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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:11 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:46:45 AM
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roads. Staff recently met with the Fellsmere Water Control <br />District and they have a lot. of the same concern in that area. <br />Director Keating stated that staff does support the proposed <br />amendment request, but the major concern is the infrastructure. <br />Staff recommends that the Board approve the transmittal of this <br />request to the State for their review, during which time staff <br />can consider discussing this with the Professional Services <br />Advisory Committee and come back to the Board if there is a <br />mechanism to put into place a requirement for infrastructure <br />improvements for lot splits in large tracts like this. Again, <br />the primary concern is not so much having paved roads and <br />particular urban types of improvements in this area, but at least <br />delineating maintenance responsibilities and particular <br />rights-of-way. <br />Commissioner Wheeler understood that splitting a lot is not <br />an easy thing to do under our requirements, but Director Keating <br />advised that while we have a lot of requirements, it is specific <br />in our land use requirements that lot splits can occur in these <br />old plats of reclamation. <br />Attorney Vitunac stated it was understanding that under the <br />proposed redesignation, these lots could be split just once from <br />one 10 -acre lot to two 5 -acre lots, and Director Keating <br />confirmed that essentially there are 88 10 -acre tracts and each <br />of those can be split once. <br />Chairman Bird opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard in this matter. <br />Representing the applicant, Attorney Bruce Barkett advised <br />that for years Mr. Kahn has been able to offer 5 -acre tracts, <br />but when the new Comp Plan was adopted, this property was redes- <br />ignated to A-2, one unit per 10 acres. Staff recognizes this as <br />an oversight, and Mr. Kahn's request is simply that the Board <br />restore his status quo and maintain his ability to offer 5 and <br />10 -acre tracts such as he has been doing for 30 or more years. <br />Mr. Barkett reiterated that the amendment meets requirements for <br />concurrency, consistency, compatibility with the surrounding land <br />use, and contains good planning principles to make it consistent <br />with the areas around Fellsmere. In addition, they have a <br />positive environmental recommendation because if this property <br />was developed as agricultural, they would be exempt from the <br />upland preservation requirement. If the property is developed as <br />residential at one unit per acre, all the upland requirements <br />would have to be met. With that report from staff and the <br />unanimous recommendation for approval by the P&Z, Mr. Barkett <br />urged the Board to approve- the transmittal of their amendment to <br />the DCA. <br />NOV _191211 Igg <br />55 )fc , <br />P00r. U f� r'A�G Lij <br />
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