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I <br />�Oor84 F, UE it'S4 <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked how we determine the population <br />figures, and Director Keating explained that the County has the <br />ability to do our own count. <br />Chairman Bird'asked if staff figures the maximum allowable <br />when figuring the total buildout. With LD -6, for example, do <br />they figure that land all at 6 upa or do they factor in the fact <br />that actuality shows us that in most cases it is developed at 60% <br />or 70% and very seldom at maximum density. <br />Commissioner Wheeler pointed out there is a lot of property <br />in this county at LD -2, and Director Keating advised that we had <br />a lot of discussions with DCA on this and we were successful in <br />getting them to comply on this. They did make us consider all <br />the undeveloped land that we had designated that would be <br />developed at its maximum density, but we were able to reduce <br />those densities by 25% to reflect the amount of land allocated <br />for infrastructure for right-of-ways in other areas. We also <br />lessed out any projected park areas and other areas like that. <br />The position in going through this is that if you don't intend to <br />develop to the maximum, then you should not allocate it that way. <br />Chairman Bird hoped that the next time we go through this we <br />could make a case by demonstrating that the factor is even more <br />than just taking out for infrastructure, etc. As far as taking <br />out for actual units being built, we can show them several <br />subdivisions in the last 5 years that were not built out at <br />anywhere near the maximum densities. <br />Director Keating wished to point out that this is one of the <br />things that the DCA is looking at very closely. During the <br />negotiation process, the County was able to reduce its ratio to <br />4.48, which is much higher than what is generally recommended by <br />the State and much higher than what the State is requiring from <br />other local governments. In doing that, however, it is a given fact <br />that they are going to look at any amendment request submitted by <br />this county,and its effect on this allocation ratio. Because <br />this is outside of the urban service area, staff doesn't feel <br />there would be any adverse effect from going from 1 unit per 10 <br />acres to 1 unit per 5 acres. Staff's major concern is that right <br />now this property is in 10 -acre tracts and the County's LDRs <br />allow lots of record, essentially tracts such as this to be - <br />divided once without going through the subdivision process <br />whereby all the internal improvements and infrastructure would be <br />required. With a new designation, these 88 tracts could be split <br />into 176 five -acre lots. Staff is concerned that a problem could <br />arise when development spurs people to demand county services <br />that are not in place there now, such as maintenance of private <br />141129 <br />