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BOOKj��� Pgi;E j7 <br />ReeOI-wr7:LY N@. Ot•Ir,7 <br />A RE9Cll1 r10N QF 1118 [•r -:•7J 9F <br />OF INUitty <br />•.. <br />C(nrcITY LOq•r•fice,l,�NFf•.; <br />RIVER COUNTY. FLOHOA, PROVIDING <br />_ <br />FOn CERTAIN rAVING AND D9AINAGE <br />IMPROVEMENTS TO 10TH COURT SW <br />BETWEEN 11TH STREET SW AND 9TH <br />STREET SW, PROVIDING THE TOTAL <br />ESTIMATED COST. METHOD OF PAY. <br />MENT OF ASSESSMENTS, NUMBER OF <br />_- <br />ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, AND LEGAL <br />2S 33 39 110008 0040 000018.0 North 70 <br />DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA SPECIPI- <br />CALLY BENEFITTED. <br />of Sarah 289.2 reel of West 100 feet <br />of East 110 feet of West 10 acres of East <br />20 acres of Tract 4, as recorded in O.R. <br />WHEREAS. to Camry PuWk Works Drparolrent <br />Book 827, page 1147, <br />25 <br />has been petitioned for Road Paving and Dr <br />Improvement for 1001 Court SW between 1101 <br />33 39 00608 0040 000019.0 Norah 70 <br />feet of South 359.2 feel of West 100 feet <br />Street sward 9th Street Sw. <br />WHEREAS, the construction ot paving and drain <br />Press-Joumai, Tuesday November 26, 1991 <br />Of East 110 fent of West 10 aces of East <br />20 ears of��Tract 4, as retarded In O.R, <br />age improvements by s +aI Rsrssmeni furnT q Is <br />authorized by Section 11.21, 11.22, and 11-41, In. <br />Book 25 33 39 00008 OD40 000020.0 The West <br />and cos est ti est and prM. than Rivor County Cc& oeitrnin�ary assesses <br />100 feet of Use East 110 feet of the North <br />70 feet of the South 429 feet of the West <br />neve been competed by the Public Works Depart. <br />and the 10181eeesstimated cost of tel <br />Seet�bn 25, Townshim Of the p <br />33 South RaTrod <br />r+ge 39 <br />pReal; proposed <br />THREE TH THOUSAND. FO HUNDRED NDRge �ED Eis FORTY <br />East, axodlq to a. lest 9crlaei plat of <br />Hands of the UhNan River Farm Carl• <br />SEVEN DOLLARS end EIGHTY CENTS <br />($13,487. and <br />pthe <br />of <br />IM Pub Records recorded � LucaCo sty. <br />the �gFvctl assessmentprovided <br />� <br />C Florida. Now lying In i dW1 Riva Canty. <br />eunder s for reead owner <br />r of property- <br />eweqgi0uu>��kr"arse ep:dally benefited. be in an aemounnt <br />to reiofRl <br />25 33 39 00008 0040 000021.0 The West <br />100 feet of the East 110 fccl of tel Naas <br />!25�) tre"7195) <br />tial of tiproportion e pror 0 Y (E 0. 7B + 4 ,ry <br />70 feet of the South S00 foal of aha West <br />10 acres of ills East 20 <br />which 11,e number of h Wal of row frontage <br />e•wrad by ;he given armor furans to the total number <br />- <br />saes of Tract 4, <br />Secflan ZS, Th p 33 South, R 39 <br />East moor 0 to the last glut of <br />u. Urteal feet of road frontage within fila areas spe <br />deal Irenre6ted and seventy-five portent (75 %) of <br />RESOLUTION NO, Ot-109 <br />A RESOLUTION OF INDIAN RIVER COUN• <br />• the tends of the Man Riva Farre Com. <br />the MW cost of the Crol?et ($32.815 85) w0 tame <br />from Petition Paving Account: and <br />TY. FLORIDA, SETTING A TIME AND <br />PLACE AT WHICH THE OWNERS OF . <br />pen$ recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 25 01 <br />Cry, <br />Records W 3t• Lucie Carob• <br />WHEREAS. Ore special assessment shell boeoi <br />PROPERTY ON 10TH COURT SW BE- <br />• Fbrtde. Now lying H idles Riva County. <br />Florid <br />the and payable at the Office of the Tax Cdkv roc <br />of Indian R,ver County ninety (90) days after the <br />TWEEN 11TH STREET SW AND 9TH <br />STREET SW AND OTHER INTERESTED <br />33 39 00008 0040 oo002f.1 The west <br />fine � tion of the special assessment pursu- <br />ant to Section 11-47, Uxflen River County Code of <br />PERSONS MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />100 feet of are East Ila feet of the North <br />210 feet of the south 710 feet of the West <br />Laws and Ordinances. and <br />AND BE HEARD AS TO THE PROPRIETY <br />10 ace. of the East 20 ease of Tract 4, <br />Section 25. TownsMp 33 <br />WHEREAS. arw special assessrromt not paid <br />V49nln said ninety 100) day period shall bear Interest - <br />MID ADVINAMUTY OF MAKING PAVING <br />AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO <br />Swath. Ra 39 <br />tine raga <br />East, SOOC tltn8 to 1891 general at <br />beyond the due date at a rate established by the <br />SAID PROPERTY AS TO THE COST <br />Plat <br />the fads of this Is do Riva Farre Com• <br />Board of Canty Com issbnsns at the "are of <br />preparation of the final assessment cos, and shed be <br />THEREOF. AS TO THE MANNER OF PAY• <br />MENT THEREFOR. AND AS TO THE <br />One 'Pub Reoo deo 2- Page 25 of <br />Lucia <br />payable in two Mequal Installments. the first to be <br />twelve from One dale <br />AMOUNT THEREOF TO BE SPECIALLY <br />ASSESSED <br />• Fkxida. Now l7I^9 b Ghrfleh Riva Counttyy. <br />made 1112) months and <br />8to be duerly; id <br />AGAINST EACH PROPERTY <br />BEfIEFITEO THEREBY. <br />Flo•4da. <br />Yd�ue <br />K41sPEREAt. yearly; <br />S, valeta and <br />25 33 39 00006 0040 000027.0 The West 10 acres <br />proposed Imfnovrmremb. <br />WHEREAS. the Board of Canty Cormmdssbnere <br />. _. <br />of the East 20 acres of Tract 4, Section 2S, Town- <br />ship 33 Sash. Rmga 39 East. <br />lire of ry Commissioners hes deter- <br />mined thatOre togD,vkg deserfbed properties shat <br />of hdh m River County has, by Resolution No. 91 - <br />168, determined that t Is necessary for the public - <br />tivq ro gap last <br />g�may plat of Ore lis of the t�rndorl Riva Fanrro <br />receive a direct and special benefit from Draw int• <br />welfare of the citizens of One counly, and Particularly <br />Gompmny recorded in Plat Bode 2. Paaggee 25 of One <br />Public Rea" of SL Lucia Canty, Fbdde, LESS <br />� 25 33' 39 00008 0040 00 2.0 The West 5 <br />dvig, working and owning prop,riy <br />wwiittn tyre area deserted hereafter. that pavYg trod -' <br />the feet <br />the South 100 feet of the West 320 feet tine West <br />Westhe <br />acre of the East 10 acres of Tract 4. See- <br />25, Township <br />draft <br />r impnovem�is be made to; trod <br />feet of the 160 feet dhe Nath feel <br />1 the South 220 feet; The West N fret of the <br />Bon 33 South, Range 39 <br />East according to Ore last general pat of <br />WHEREAS• Ore Board of Caurnty Com isisarens <br />has caused an assessment rod to be completed and <br />North 100 feet of One South 220 Iasi: the West 20lettersRiverFerns <br />the lands of the Uh Com <br />Idea with the Berk to Ore Board: and <br />feet of the East 310 feet of the Nath 13o feet of <br />Pant re:atded In Plat Book 2. Page 25 of <br />WHEREAS. Section 11.46, Indian River Carly <br />One South 350 feet: One East 110 feet of the North <br />580 feel of the South 760 feet the East 135 feet of <br />the Public Records of St. Luele County, <br />Florida, LESS the Nath 3W feet the West <br />Code, requires that Ore Board of Carryy Coramdg- <br />sloners shad fix a time and pace at which One own. <br />Ile North 350 trrt of the S!wth 1,1;+0 feet: the East <br />140 het of the South 100 feel of the North <br />ere Of the 1, coal tes to be assessed or any other <br />128 feet of the North 130 feet; the Nath 210 fest <br />of the Smith 630 feet of the west 200 -feet; the <br />400 feet• the Wast 140 lest M the South <br />100 feet of the North 600 feet. Oro west 70 <br />Crodro Interested therein may appear before th0 <br />Baerd or County Comn6sskmas and to heard as to <br />North 100 feet of Ohs ScvOn 730 feet of the West 80 <br />teat of " S•shth 100 fr^I of thr Nath 700 <br />feet the West 140 feel of cine Sant 200 <br />the propriety and advissbalty of maks Paving end <br />drainage inrhprOvanhetb, as t0 the owed. <br />feet aha South the So t o1 gra Nath ft Norfeel h the <br />West 140 feast: the 100 feel o/ One Notion 300 <br />fret of the North 000 last-, and LESS the <br />cost as <br />to Ore mamma OI payment therefor, and as to to <br />_ <br />feet of the West 0 fee ifte North Mo <br />West 80 feet all Ili L�pn River lout of the <br />• Floor. <br />West 140 feet of the South 100 feet Now a.eaAmyount <br />2s 33 <br />25 _ 39 00008 0040 0D003" In Indlian River County. F1o.0 From NW c <br />_ <br />thereof to ties to Red be assessed againg <br />NOW, THEREFORE. B <br />25 33 39 00408 0040 000022.1 The West 123 feet <br />of One East 135 feet of the North 280 feet of th <br />roarer of West 5 acres of East 10 acres of <br />Tract 4, no South 300 feet to Poem of <br />BE IT RESOLVED T14E <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M <br />DIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. as follows: <br />South 1.060 feet of Use West 10 asp of aha East <br />Beginning. tun East 70 feet thence run <br />I. The County, Commission shed meet at the Canty <br />20 acres of Tract 4, Section 25, T Trost 33 <br />South. Range 39 East, aoaxcirg to the last mrs" <br />South 100 feet. run West 70 feel. run North <br />100 Apt as recorded in O.R. Book 850. <br />Commission chambers In the Canty AdmMstration <br />BuWhV at the lour of 9-0 A.M. on Tuesday <br />Plat of die lards of the Indian River Fame - <br />110014001 in te Plot Book 2. Pe2S of Oho -0" <br />Page 788. <br />25 33 39 000060040 001108.0 From NW <br />Der 10. 1991, at which tith <br />ne e owners of <br />the Properties to be assessed and any other inter. <br />Records of St. Lucia County. Fbrtds- Now fyllg in <br />Idim River Omm . Florida. <br />axrer of West 6 acres of East 10 act. of <br />Trout 4. run Sant 800 feet to Pohl of <br />ested persona may appear before said Commiesbn <br />and be heed In regard thereto. The are to be Fn- - <br />26 33 39 CO0080040 000022.3 The West 125 feetird:h0 <br />thences run East 70 feet arenca <br />S Tout i 100 feet. We70 feet• <br />proved and the propaOes to be specialty borneflfed <br />Of the Feat 135 test of the North 70 feet at Dnp <br />South 1.130 feel of tip West 10 acres of the East <br />run no <br />' run o <br />• North 100 feet to Point of Begbrlb ' asre- <br />are more particularly described upon cine assess <br />Mont pat and Ore asapsmem rod with regas tothe <br />-20 acre of Tract 4. Section 23. Township 33 <br />Ba <br />South Range 39 East Bow" ng tothe fast general <br />Corded In O.R. Bode 414, Page 124. <br />25 33 39 00008 0040 00047.0 From NW <br />special assessmer, a. <br />2 M persons interested to the constnletbn of said <br />plat W the lands of aha Indent Riva Farms Company <br />comer of West 5 aces of East 10 acres of <br />•. <br />Improvement and the special assessments anst . <br />recorded In Plat Book 2, 25 of aha Public <br />Records SL Ludo County, Fbdda New lying to <br />Tract 4. nus South 600 feet to Point of <br />not East 70 feet thence South <br />the properties to be specialty benefited may review <br />the assessment pat ISireYYing the are ro be es <br />a <br />25 33 39 Can ce <br />25 33 39 OOD08 0040 0000220 8epis�fh� at tyre <br />1 f thence West 70 feet: Me, <br />Norah 100 feet to Point of LESS <br />aessed. the assessment roll. the plans end sped• <br />fk altars for said <br />BE Carla of the Was 10 acres of aha Epi 20 <br />West 20 feet thereof. as recorded in O.R. <br />the cost thereof at ft Of0ceaof the Claktto the <br />t Tract 4, run Nada ig. feet thN Wept <br />10 feet thenceSmith North 100 <br />0 feel t0 Pim Of Keel, <br />Book 593, Page 308. <br />25 33 39 00048 0040 00008.0 The West <br />Board any week day from 8:30 A.M. anti 5:00 P.M. <br />3. Notice of the time and place of Ida public hearing <br />feet: West et test in aloe South 100 fest '-- <br />Vence <br />thence East <br />- thannre East 70 leaf ro Pdnl of <br />140 feet of Ore South 100 feet of the North <br />BOO lest of the West 5 etre of the East 10 <br />shad be Owen by the Department of Public Works <br />two tions In the Press -Journal <br />put>f�a Newspaper e <br />Easterly 6 IoM thereof for road rt�1 p tie- <br />0orded in O R. Boil 733 847. <br />Beres of Tract 4. Section 25, Township 33 <br />South, Rage 39 East d crap to the last <br />Aire lands Of ft Indian River <br />week apart. The last publication shad be al least <br />are week oar to the date of time hesrlq The I► <br />clan River County Oeparbnenl <br />25 33 39 00008 0040 8 The East 100 feel <br />of Ore Nath 780 feet of the West 10 acres of the <br />_of <br />erns wasp y in Plat Book 2. <br />01 Pubic Works shad <br />give the s <br />owner of each Property to be specialty a <br />Ept 20 acres of Tract 4, Section 25. Township 33 <br />South. Range 39 East amordlig to the Apt gw-d <br />�raNrded <br />Page 25 of Ona P Room 9 of St. Lucie <br />. � • Florida. Now ying In Indon River <br />sessed at least ten dqp notice in wit" of such <br />time and Place, which shred be served by madig a <br />plat of the Wan Riva Farms Company recorded ti <br />Plat Bode 2, Pate 25, of the Public Records St <br />I b <br />25 33 39 004108 0040 00009.0 The West <br />COPY of such nonce ro each of such property Own. <br />era at his last known address. <br />of <br />Luc* County. Florida Now Iylg in I thanRlw <br />140 feet of the South 100 feet of the Nath <br />The resolution was moved for adoption by CamCounty. <br />FbrkkL <br />900 feet of the west 5 acres of the East 10 <br />ndssiona Scurlock. and the motion was seconded <br />25 33 39 00008 0040 000022.7 The East 120 feet <br />acres of Tract 4. Section 25, Township 33 <br />by Commisslom Wheeler. and, upon being put to a <br />Of this South 110 feet of the Noel 130 feet of the <br />South, � 39 East emu" to the Apt <br />via. the vote was as follows: <br />Wert 10 acres of the Cost 20 acres of Tract 4, Sec. <br />at of the lards of the rvdfen Rivex <br />Chairman Rbhard N. Bird Aye <br />cors 25. Township 33 South, Fi39 Eau. as- <br />oordnp 1 are fast pat of ane lards of the <br />tmflarh A Femq <br />arrtn a'Y recorded In Flat Book 2. <br />Page 2S of the PuMb Records of St. Lurie <br />fib. Florida. Now yeg in Niers River <br />Vico Chairman Gary C. Wheels Aye <br />Commissioner Don C. Scurlock, Jr. Aye <br />Comndssiaher Margaret C. Bowman <br />recorded In Plat Book <br />Page 23 mf Ore Public Recm s of St. Lucie Court. <br />County. Plaids. <br />Aye <br />Commissioner Cara" K. Eggert Aye <br />I <br />ty, Fp„•Ide, LE the East t 01ee1 of Ore SaxM 1 IO <br />25 33 99 00006 0040 000010.0 The North <br />The Chairmen thereupon deciated the resolution ., <br />Test of rhe North 330 feet Now bel In uvrht.,o m.200feet <br />„army, rlalOa• <br />of Ona Wast 5 antra nl hlhr ca.4 4n <br />eery of Tract 4, Section 25, Township 37 <br />cid:• r :aar••t .`d s_ Vmv „•w S day 4; Nu.wrtxx. <br />1991. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE <br />South, Range 39 East• ecowd1n0 to the last <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMmSS10NERS <br />BOAnD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOtIEnS OF P& <br />rraf tof the lands of the am Riva <br />O <br />VIDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA <br />DIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as tiss"s; <br />Farms t oro .. reeaded In Flat Hook 2, <br />Page 21? the Pubsic Records <br />By Richard N. Bid <br />C <br />1. The Foregoing roofless are affirmed and ratified <br />of of SI. Ludo <br />an <br />in their entirety------ <br />2. A proFnci for <br />Canty. Fkrida LESS canal and road right- <br />OF -way. Now lying In I sdan River County. <br />Attest: sJelfrey K. Barters, Clerk <br />by* Waterhouse <br />Provk6g paving and drake Im. <br />entenL9 M feet Cart SW between th treat <br />Deputy Clerk <br />BW <br />SW end 9Ih as <br />SW; heretofore418is <br />25 33 39 00006 0040 0000/0.1 Thhe South <br />Nov. 26. Dec. 3,1991 853733 <br />rdesignatedapproved <br />Prole <br />Mf* Works Protect No. 8418 o handy l pro pd <br />subject One terms ouliied above and ala <br />100 feet of the North feet of the West <br />5 acres the East t3 flap o1 Tract 4, <br />IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR <br />it I t-41.��• <br />at seq. khaan <br />bre n^Wunty ) of Ser wn and <br />Rover County Code end Ord <br />5 <br />S^clirah 25. Tovrnsidp 3;1 South, Ra n .:n9 <br />East according to tare last y of <br />drag gtrarm <br />a1DtAN RIVER COUNTY, Ft ORIDA <br />PROBATE DIVISION <br />o ution <br />The Foregoing resolution was offered by Commis. <br />ed try <br />Brae IaMs of the imian River Farms Cora- <br />C <br />FOO No. P`91.573 <br />.- <br />alalia Saarto�who moved is adoption. The me. <br />parry recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 25 of <br />flan wag seconded by Conaadsakx>er Wheeler arid, <br />the Public Records of St. Ludo Canty• <br />upon being put 10 a vote. the vote was as fadows: <br />Florida. Now Mng in Indian River Canty. <br />ChahalVt&-Ch n Richard Bird Aye <br />y C. Wheeler, Aye <br />25 33 39 00008 0040 000011.0 The South <br />Cammissbn r DonC. Scurlock, Jr, <br />100 feet of the West 140 feet o1 the West 5 , <br />Commissioner Margarpt C. Bowman Aye <br />aces of the Ee9t 10 was of Tract 4, SRC- - <br />Commissioner Carolyn K. Eggert Aye <br />tion 25, Township 33 South, Range 39 <br />The Chairmen thereuporh deNared the resohAion <br />East• acr-orrlmg to the last g -at pial of <br />passed and a this 6 of 1991. <br />the land of theSam armsPap <br />BOARpOFdCOUNTOCOMMISSIONERS <br />25 of <br />Pery recorded in PPllat Book 2.n Pap 25 0l <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />the Public Records of St. Luce Canty. <br />By-sRICHARD N. BIRD. Cora rman <br />Florida. Now yag n Umbers Raw Canty. <br />Attest:gJeffroy K. Barton, C1eM <br />Fiords. <br />by: -s -A. Watertause <br />2S 33 39 00008 0040 000012 0 West 70 <br />• De" C" <br />feet of Fast 80 feel of South 100 hest of <br />Nov. go. 1991 653yu <br />West 10 acres of East 20 acres of Tract 4. <br />as recorded in O R Book 602. Page 734. <br />18 <br />_ <br />I <br />