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Fr- <br />� AN 2 11992 <br />Subsequently, City of Sebastian staff requested and the Sebastian <br />City Council approved sufficient funding for the City to access the <br />County's automated system. The costs involved with implementing <br />this access primarily relate to programming services to be provided <br />by the consultant. Besides the programming activity, the <br />consultant will also provide training to the City of Sebastian <br />staff. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />Both County staff and City of Sebastian staff agree that <br />facilitating access and use of the County's automated system will <br />provide benefits to each jurisdiction. To effect this access, both <br />staffs have worked together to provide for the necessary <br />programming modifications. <br />Based upon negotiations between the City of Sebastian and the <br />County's consultant (Tindale/Oliver), a price of $18,000 has been <br />established for the programming and training costs involved with <br />this project. While the City has agreed to pay the total project <br />cost, all parties (county staff, city staff and consultant) agree <br />that the most efficient and economical manner to administer this <br />project is to amend the County's existing contract with the <br />consultant and to structure the contract amendment as a three party <br />agreement with the City of Sebastian having the sole obligation to <br />pay the consultant. <br />County staff have drafted a proposed amendment to the consultant's <br />contract and have attached a copy of the proposed amendment to this <br />agenda item. As proposed, the amendment would entail no County <br />cost. The County, however, would participate in the project <br />through contract administration, technical assistance, and <br />additional training for the City staff. <br />Staff feels that the proposed project to provide the City of <br />Sebastian with access to the County's automated development <br />review/concurrency management system will enhance data collection, <br />concurrency management, intergovernmental coordination, and growth <br />management. - <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve <br />amendment 4 to the Indian River County/Tindale Oliver contract and <br />authorize the chairman to execute the amendment. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously approved <br />Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement for Computer Programming <br />Consultant Services with Tindale, Oliver & Associates, as <br />recommended by staff. <br />AMENDMENT NO. 4 IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />L� <br />10 <br />