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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:03:30 PM
Creation date
6/16/2015 10:57:58 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler, that the Board accept the <br />recommendation of the Courthouse Planning Committee and <br />approve the project as submitted and authorize the County <br />Administrator to proceed with the acquisition of that <br />particular out parcel, reserving the right to move ahead <br />with it or not when those prices and some finer details <br />are brought back to the Board. <br />Under discussion, Administrator Chandler asked for <br />authorization, if that is the intent of the Commission' to go <br />ahead and get appraisals, and Commissioner Scurlock stated that the <br />Motion is to do whatever is necessary to proceed with the <br />acquisition in a timely fashion. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if Commissioner Scurlock's Motion had <br />anything in it regarding a request to the City to participate in <br />the funding of the acquisition of the out parcel, but Commissioner <br />Scurlock felt that would be a separate motion to maybe authorize <br />the Chairman to contact the Mayor to see if there could be a joint <br />participation. He really felt it is time for the City to step <br />forward and participate in the funding. They wouldn't have to pay <br />for the whole thing, but a good faith effort would be appreciated. <br />Commissioner Wheeler wished to announce that the Bar <br />Association has offered to financially participate in the Law <br />Library lounge area. <br />Commissioner Bird inquired about the type of eating facilities <br />that have been planned, and Architect Randy Park advised that they <br />have provided adequate square feet that could be used for a vending <br />machine snack area or something similar to what is in this building <br />that could be run as a concession. <br />Attorney Vitunac asked if it would affect the architect's <br />recommendation in any way for placing the building on that site if <br />we were to acquire the out parcel and have two full blocks. <br />Mr. Park stated that they did consider plans for that parcel <br />if it were acquired, but it would not change the design one iota. <br />They would recommend that the out parcel become the future home for <br />the Public Defender's Office and the State Attorney's Office. As <br />a low-rise office building, it would complete the judicial campus. <br />Commissioner Scurlock interjected that his Motion on the floor <br />is to accept the design of the building as submitted, not turning <br />it or changing it. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked about possible expansion of the <br />parking garage, and it was explained that people will be parking on <br />23 <br />AAS 1992, <br />
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