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7/23/2015 12:03:30 PM
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TO: Board 'of County CommissionersDATE: January 14, 1992 FILE: <br />' Property Exchange / <br />SUBJECT: Town of I.R. Shores <br />FROM' ames E. Chandler <br />County Administrator REFERENCES: <br />In accordance with the Commission direction at the November 5, 1991 meeting, l <br />pursued further negotiations with Town Manager Joe Dorsky concerning the <br />potential sale and/or trade of the 5.39 'acre parcel adjacent to Tracking Station <br />Park. <br />Based on the $575,000 appraised value .of the 38.96 acre Gifford Park compared <br />to the $700,000 value of the 5.39 acres, a direct exchange predicated on per <br />acre value would result in 4.42 acres transmitted to the Town in exchange for <br />title to Gifford Park. The .97 acre balance adjacent to Tracking Station Park <br />would remain in county ownership. <br />Joe Dorsky has indicated the eastern portion of the 5.39 acres should have a <br />higher value because of the close proximity to the beach. As a result, he <br />proposes that 4.79 acres be exchanged for Gifford Park and the County retain <br />.6 acres. He also requested that the County take into consideration the fact the <br />Town donated 2 acres for the Gifford Community Center and entered into the <br />long term lease for the park. He advised that if the Town were to acquire all - <br />or a portion of the 5.39 acres -he would recommend to the Town Council <br />restricting the use for public purpose. If a future decision were made to the <br />contrary, the County would have first right of refusal. <br />The acreage that would be retained by the County, whether it be .97 or .6 <br />acres, is east of the coastal construction set back line. As a result, any <br />improvements on that acreage would require an application to and approval by <br />the State. Although a need has not been projected, the Park could be expanded <br />into this area to include additional facilities such as picnic shelters and a dune <br />crossover. It is anticipated the State would approve such facilities. Additional <br />parking could potentially be expanded into the area. However, because of the <br />property configuration and dune relationship, the number of spaces would be <br />limited and State approval highly questionable. <br />If the County is to consider retaining a portion of the acreage, it is my opinion <br />that 97 acres is needed if the intent is for future park expansion. Considering <br />the dune and the coastal construction setback line, the benefit of retaining the <br />acreage for park expansion that would be permissible is, in my opinion, minimal. <br />Of the alternatives considered, I believe the County derives more benefit from <br />the original proposal. That proposal provided for the exchange of title of the <br />5.39 acres for Gifford Park plus a payment of $125,000 to the County. The <br />Town Manager would also recommend the provisions relating to restricting the <br />use for public purpose and first right of refusal. <br />25 <br />J ! �'t�ool< Ai <br />N924 <br />
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