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east/west arterial road in the south county from US 1 to I-95. It is expected that the county's third <br />interchange to I-95 will be located at Oslo Road. <br />In Oslo, the blightedareaneedinu redevelopment or revitalization consists chiefly of old platted <br />and unplatted residential areas. Because that area was developed before infrastructure <br />improvements were constructed, many of the roads and lots in the area do not meet county <br />development standards. While increased and continued code enforcement activity is necessary to <br />identify specific structures for repair or removal, a more concerted effort involving individual <br />property owners, the county, and third party developer -financiers will be needed to resolve many <br />of the roadway and infrastructure deficiencies caused by development during the first half of the <br />201h century. <br />DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS <br />Generally, development in flood prone areas presents various problems, the most serious of <br />which is the potential for loss of life from flood waters and storm surges. Flooding can also cause <br />loss or damage to property and degradation to the environment. Besides the hazards, <br />development costs may also be higher in those areas due to the extensive site modifications or <br />enhanced building techniques required. Because of high costs and/or environmental limitations, <br />public facilities and services are often not extended to those areas. <br />In 1988, the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) completed a Flood Insurance <br />Rate Study for Indian River County. That study identified the limits of Coastal Flood Zones, the <br />100 -Year Flood Plain and the 500 -Year Flood Plain. As shown on Figure 2.23, the county has a <br />significant amount of flood prone land. At this time, FEMA is updating its flood study of the <br />county and will be issuing new flood maps in 2010-2011. <br />Within the county, the largest flood prone area is west of I-95 and includes the St. Johns Marsh <br />area. Land uses in that area include the marsh, citrus groves, row crops and cattle grazing. The <br />area surrounding the City of Fellsmere also contains flood prone areas which follow the pattern <br />of drainage canals and ditches. That area contains a mixture of agricultural uses and rural <br />residential development on large (5 acre+) lots. <br />East of I-95, flood prone areas are confined to 4 general areas. The first area extends along the <br />east side of I-95 from the Brevard County line to approximately 2 miles north of SR 60 and east <br />to 90th Avenue and the St. Sebastian River. With the exception of the area along CR 512, land <br />uses are limited to cattle grazing and vacant land. A commercial/industrial node is located at the <br />CR 512/1-95 interchange, although much of that node was recently annexed by the City of <br />Fellsmere. Largely undeveloped, the northeast quadrant of that node contains several high-tech <br />industrial manufacturing plants and highway commercial establishments. Immediately south of <br />CR 512 is the Vero Lake Estates Subdivision (see residential land use, vacant land use). A <br />Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) has been created for that 5,000 lot subdivision to <br />provide for roadway and drainage improvements. <br />Future Land Use Element 127 <br />