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Policv 10.4: Multi -family residential sections of The Moorings that were zoned RM -10 prior to <br />February 13, 1990 shall be allowed to maintain their RM -10 zoning and shall be considered <br />conforming uses within the L-1 designation. These phases include Windward, Southwinds, Harbour <br />Side, The Pointes, River Mews, and South Passage. <br />OBJECTIVE 11: BLIG14TED-AREAS NEEDING REDEVELOPMENT OR <br />REVITALIZATION <br />By 2016, Indian River County will have taken action to encourage redevelopment or <br />revitalization in at least three blighted- areas. <br />Policv 11.1: By 20129, Indian River County shall develop guidelines and regulations to <br />designate areas in need of redevelopment or revitalization. <br />Policv 11.2: Within one year of designating a redevelopment or revitalization area, Indian River <br />County shall determine the needs and deficiencies as well as remedies and solutions for that area. <br />Policv 11.3: Indian River County shall enforce the provisions of the PRO, Professional Office <br />zoning district. The purpose of this zoning district shall be to encourage infill development and <br />the redevelopment or revitalization of blighted or deelining residential areas which are no longer <br />appropriate for strictly single-family use but are not considered appropriate for a broad range of <br />commercial uses, as permitted in other commercial zoning districts. <br />Policv 11.4: Indian River County shall encourage the development, redevelopment, revitalization <br />and upgrading of undeveloped and underdeveloped subdivisions through mechanisms such as <br />Block Grant Programs, Municipal Service Tax Units, creative finance and development <br />proposals, zoning, and simplified replatting procedures. <br />Policv 11.5: Indian River County shall maintain a vigorous code enforcement program operating <br />in all areas of the unincorporated county. <br />OBJECTIVE 12: COORDINATED PLANNING <br />All development in Indian River County will be consistent with the resource planning and <br />management activities of the state, and with approved management plans including the <br />Hutchinson Island Management Plan. <br />Policv 12.1: The county acknowledges the application of the Hutchinson Island Resource <br />Planning and Management Plan (HIRPMP) to Indian River County. Past county actions have <br />resulted in development regulations consistent with the HIRPMP. All new development on the <br />unincorporated barrier island will be consistent with the HIRPMP by implementing the policies <br />of this comprehensive plan. <br />Future Land Use Element 168 <br />