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Policv 12.2: As part of the county's periodic Capital Improvements Element evaluation and <br />update process, the impact of new development on hurricane evacuation times and the need for <br />improvements and the timing of improvements to evacuation routes in order to maintain or <br />reduce evacuation times shall be assessed. <br />Policv 12.3: Indian River County shall include within its land development regulations a <br />mechanism to assess the impact of new development on emergency evacuation. <br />OBJECTIVE 13: LOCAL PLANNING <br />By 2015, the County will have a formal coordination mechanism with other federal, state, <br />regional, and local governments and agencies for land use planning activities, provision of <br />facilities and services, and funding and implementation of programs. <br />Policv 13.1: Indian River County shall ensure that land development activities, development <br />orders and permits, rezonings, and comprehensive plan amendments are coordinated, as may be <br />appropriate, with the municipalities of the county, adjacent counties, regional and special <br />districts, and state and federal agencies. <br />Policv 13.2: Indian River County, through coordination with municipalities within the county, <br />shall ensure that future annexation will not create enclave areas. <br />Policv 13.3: By 2014-8, the county shall encourage municipalities to identify potential areas for <br />annexation, develop criteria for annexation decisions, and execute interlocal agreements with the <br />county to formalize these criteria. <br />Policv 13.4: Indian River County shall coordinate with municipalities within the county to amend <br />the proposed interlocal service boundary agreement between the county and municipalities to <br />address annexation issues, maintenance of established level of service standards, extra jurisdictional <br />developmental impacts, upfront coordination on land use amendments and rezonings, and <br />establishment of a dispute resolution process. <br />OBJECTIVE 14: PLAN AMENDMENT AND REVIEW <br />Indian River County will have a mechanism for review and amendment of the <br />comprehensive plan. <br />Policv 14.1: Indian River County shall provide for the amendment of the Comprehensive Plan in <br />accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163, FS. Applications to amend the future land use <br />plan map may be submitted by the owner or the agent for the owner of property proposed for <br />redesignation, by the county planning staff, or by the Board of County Commissioners. Where <br />an individual application is submitted, land development regulations shall provide for payment <br />of an appropriate fee and disclosure of all individuals having an equitable interest in the <br />proposed change. Applications to amend other portions of the comprehensive plan may be <br />Future Land Use Element 169 <br />