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Comprehensive Plan <br />Transportation Element <br />POLICY 4.1: The county hereby adopts the MPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan. <br />Implementation of the plan in the unincorporated county will occur through the <br />incorporation of improvements identified in that plan in its TCIP. The plan will be used <br />as a basis for applying for and programming federal enhancement project funds. Funds <br />will be used to program improvements such as the construction of new bicycle and <br />pedestrian lanes and paths, and the retrofit of existing lanes and paths. The <br />implementation schedule will be determined by the priority ranking of each roadway <br />segment as contained in the MPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan. The following programs shall <br />also be implemented by the county according to the plan: an off-road facilities program, a <br />safety improvement program, and a mode shift program. These programs will be <br />implemented as the funding, right-of-way, or other necessary resources become available. <br />POLICY 4.2: By 2020, the county shall evaluate utility easements, railroad rights-of- <br />way and drainage canal rights-of-way as locations for off road trails. This evaluation will <br />be based upon safety and cost considerations as well as negotiations with appropriate <br />agencies which control these easements and rights-of-way. <br />POLICY 4.3: By 2012Periodicaliv. the <br />roadways to identify hazards to bicyclists. <br />to correct them will be programmed. <br />county will assess all thoroughfare plan <br />Where hazards are identified, improvements <br />POLICY 4.4: The county will use at least $200,000 per year of 1 cent local option sales <br />tax revenue for bike/pedestrian system improvements. <br />POLICY 4.5: The county will continue to apply for c n VETEn LU onhan,.o., en federal <br />non -motorized transportation funds to construct bike/ped improvements. <br />POLICY 4.6: The county will, through its land development regulations, require that all <br />developments fronting on thoroughfare plan roadways provide for construction of bicycle <br />and pedestrian improvements as identified in the MPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan and MPO <br />Greenways Plan. <br />POLICY 4.7: The county will, through its land development regulations, require that <br />internal sidewalks are provided in all residential subdivisions with densities higher than 1 <br />unit per four acres. <br />POLICY 4.8: The county will install bike -ped signals at all new signalized intersections <br />and will install bike racks on its buses. <br />POLICY 4.9: The county will annuallv consider funding establish a sidewall� <br />Fnatehing fun4s program for construction of residential sidewalks in residential areasly <br />hemeowner-s. <br />POLICY 4.10: Where practical and to the extent possible, and where such desien is in <br />compliance with the Florida Green Book and Countv Tvoical Design Standards. the <br />Countv will implement "complete streets" principles such as the inclusion of bike lanes <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 130 <br />