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Comprehensive Plan <br />Transportation Element <br />and sidewalks for new roadways, widenine Proiects, and roadwav redesiens to address <br />the needs of public transportation vehicles and patrons, bicvclists. and pedestrians of all <br />ales and abilities in plannine. oroarammini!, desien. construction and maintenance of <br />Countv roadways. These principles will be applied to reconstruction and maintenance <br />oroiects to the extent state or federal statute, economic and environmental considerations, <br />and existing development will allow. The Countv will view all transportation <br />improvements as opportunities to improve safetv, access and mobility for all travelers <br />and recognizes bicycle, pedestrian, and transit modes as inteeral elements of the <br />transportation system. <br />OBJECTIVE 5 LAND USE COMPATIBILITY <br />Throughout the time horizon of this plan, traffic circulation system will be compatible and <br />compliment adjacent land uses. <br />POLICY 5.1: The county shall design and locate to the extent possible major roadways <br />(i.e. minor and principal arterials) and intersections such as to not adversely affect <br />existing neighborhoods nor produce excessive traffic on local roads through residential <br />areas. The following are some of the characteristics by which the county will determine <br />whether neighborhoods are adversely impacted: severs existing neighborhoods, more <br />traffic other than local traffic using roadways, widening of roadways which results in <br />roadways constructed closer to residential homes, and other similar characteristics. In <br />areas where minor and principal arterial roadways and their intersections adversely affect <br />existing neighborhoods, the county may provide buffers as stated in the above Policy 7.1. <br />The county will also review the feasibility of relocating roadways and intersections and <br />limit the number of roadway connections and accesses. Where appropriate, the county <br />will implement traffic calming improvements. <br />POLICY 5.2: The county shall locate and design roadways to minimize adverse <br />environmental impacts. Where sensitive environmental areas will be impacted by <br />roadway construction, the county will mitigate those impacts by taking action as provided <br />for in the Conservation Element of the plan. <br />POLICY 5.3: The county shall not fund transportation improvements which will allow <br />increased development in coastal high -hazard areas. <br />POLICY 5.4: The county hereby designates as historic and scenic roads the following: <br />° Jungle Trail ° Old Winter Beach Road <br />° Fellsmere Grade ° Quay Dock Road <br />° Gifford Dock Road <br />The county will prepare, adopt, and implement management plans for each of these roads <br />in order to protect and enhance their scenic/historic character. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 131 <br />