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7/6/2016 2:14:42 PM
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6/9/2016 11:52:55 AM
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State of Florida Division of Emergency Management
Modification No.1 Subgrant Agreement
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C) Develop and submit a strategy to ensure that by June 1, 2016, all designated Special Needs Shelters <br />(SpNS) have a standby power system or capability with adequate capacity to support life -safety systems, <br />essential lighting and outlet receptacles, air-conditioning, and necessary medical equipment. For those <br />designated SpNS facilities without a permanently equipped standby electric generating capacity, a locally <br />sourced and acquired temporary electric generator with adequate capacity to support the standby power <br />system requirements must be provided. <br />D) Develop and submit a strategy to ensure that by June 1, 2016, there is adequate designated SpNS client <br />space capacity to meet the anticipated five-year demands as determined by the 2012 Statewide Emergency <br />Shelter Plan (January 31, 2012). All designated SpNS facilities must at a minimum meet the hurricane <br />safety criteria established In the American Red Cross Standards for Hurricane Evacuation Shelter Selection <br />(ARC 4496) and be equipped with an adequate standby electric power system or capability as described in <br />item S.C. above. <br />E) Update and submit a hurricane shelter deficit reduction progress reports, which include "as -is", retrofit and <br />Enhanced Hurricane Protection Areas (EHPA) construction. (This information is used to compile the <br />Shelter Retrofit Report.) <br />F) Provide a brief report on results of the year's coordination with school boards, community colleges and <br />universities (as applicable) for implementation of the statutory and code required Public Shelter Design <br />Criteria (a.k.a. EHPA). The most recent published Statewide Emergency Shelter Plan can provide guidance <br />for implementation of the EHPA criteria. A checklist to provide this Information will be made available on the <br />Division's Sharepoint Portal, <br />6. EMAP — Emergency Management Accreditation Program <br />Assessors from the Emergency Management Accreditation Program assessed Indian River County <br />Emergency Management program and found it compliant of all 64 standards of the Emergency Management <br />Standard. The assessment standards Include such categories as Program Management, Laws and Authorities, <br />Prevention and Security, Facilities, Crisis Communications, Public Education, Operations and Procedures, <br />Training, Exercises and Evaluations and Corrective Action. <br />The EMAP accreditation procedure is a voluntary national process for local, state, private and non-profit <br />emergency management programs. The programs are accredited for a term of five years and must report <br />ongoing compliance to all national standards annually. <br />EMAP encompasses all aspects of emergency management and is certified by the American National <br />Standards Institute (ANSI). It was developed by emergency management professionals to have a measurable <br />evaluation system, nationally recognized standards, comprehensive programmatic framework and self -and <br />peer -review. <br />County is to provide the following to receive $10,000.00 for receiving EMAP accreditation: <br />• Invoice for $10,000-00 on County Letterhead to process payment <br />• Final assessment report showing 100% compliance with the Emergency Management Standards (i.e. <br />64/64) <br />0 <br />
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