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7/14/2016 11:25:01 AM
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7/14/2016 11:13:52 AM
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Inwater Research Group Marine Conservation
Sea Turtle Education Grant
Florida Traveling Turtles
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i <br /> 2. Do you have a current relationship with local school districts? If yes, please explain in a <br /> 'few short sentences. If not, please explain how you plan to develop these relationships. <br /> Yes a relationship with the local school district was created in 2015 in concert with the beginning of marine <br /> conservation presentations given to 5th graders in 6 of the 13 public elementary schools in the county. This <br /> presentation was aligned with the 5th grade adaptations curriculum and taught students about sea turtle and <br /> marine mammal biology, the difference between inherited and taught traits, and specific adaptations for sea turtle <br /> survival. <br /> i <br /> These relationships were developed by first reaching out to individuals school principals and AP then through <br /> contact with the science teachers.Attached to this application is one of the teacher's emails sent to the Public <br /> Works Director raving about the presentation and its correlation with their state standards. <br /> 3. Do you currently offer school programs? If yes, please explain and include grade levels, <br /> program information, and average amount of students you reach each year. <br /> As the answer to the previous question described, currently the IR Sea Turtle Program education team made up <br /> of multiple volunteers and one county staff member, gave presentations about marine conservation and <br /> adaptations to all 5th grade students at 6 schools in the county during the 15-16'school year, 2 of which were <br /> TITLE 1 schools. These were wildly successful and requests for visits the following school year were made by all <br /> teachers. Pre/Post tests were administered to students and are currently being graded and analyzed to answer <br /> the question "Was their any information learned during the presentation?" <br /> 4. Who will be the project leader on this program? Please provide their name and a <br /> couple of short sentences on their experience working in education. <br /> The project leader will be Kendra Cope, the HCP/Sea Turtle Coordinator for IRC. She created the presentation <br /> that is currently being given to 5th classrooms, she made the original contacts with the school teachers and <br /> principals, and has made new contacts with a couple private schools in the county interested in including sea <br /> turtle curriculum during the 16/17 school year. Her background is with general public education programs Her <br /> MS thesis analyzed the community impacts (economic and long-term education/behavior)of the popular turtle <br /> walks. She is also starting a new program in IRC during the 2016 nesting season called "Turtle Digs". Nest <br /> evaluations in the City of Vero beach will now be a public program which includes a presentation and an up close <br /> opportunity for guests to watch sea turtle researchers and volunteers collect data on reproductive success of sea <br /> jturtle nests in the area. <br /> 5. This program can take time to get started but will last for years to come. Is the project <br /> manager willing to commit the time to creating the trunk contents, developing <br /> relationships with schools, maintaining the trunk's contents, and liaising with teachers? <br /> The project leader is a full-time employee with IRC and her position manages sea turtle nesting and other sea <br /> turtle activity outlined by the HCP. She plans to be in this position long-term. As part of the Sea Turtle Program <br /> she manages a large group of dedicated volunteers which has grown from 8-15 people in the last year and will <br /> continue to grow in coming years. There will be plenty of volunteers available to help create the trunk contents,a <br /> handful of them already have experience with presenting at schools and are dedicated to keeping good relations <br /> with currently involved schools, and the volunteers will be happy to help build a foundation for this new program. <br /> The project leader will be responsible for maintaining the trunk contents over time and all contents will be stored <br /> in the county office with other education materials used for various programs. She will also continue to keep <br /> relations with the teachers and is dedicated to building relations with the school district board and private school <br /> teachers so all students in IRC have an opportunity to learn more about sea turtle conservation and biology. <br />
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