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i <br /> 6. What is your three year plan for using the trunk? Please explain how you will garner <br /> interest from teachers/district staff and how many classes you feel you may be able to <br /> reach each year. <br /> iDuring the first year of the program I plan on introducing the truck program to all 6 schools that were part of the <br /> education program during the 15/16 school year,two of which are TITLE 1 schools, as well as two private schools <br /> ithat have already showed interest. During the first year relationships will be built with other schools in the district <br /> including the other 2 TITLE 1 public schools and 4 other TITLE 1 charter schools and will have a plan set out to <br /> 'include them in the following years By the 3rd year the program should have all public elementary schools <br /> involved and up to 5 private schools. This will happen though teacher relations, word of mouth about the program, <br /> land presentations to the county commission and school board after the 1st of"learning impact"data has been <br /> analyzed. <br /> i <br /> 7. Do you foresee any problems with incorporating this program into your organization? <br /> I cannot see any reason why there would be an issue implementing this program. As the application outlines all <br /> training will be done by IRG staff before the school year begins with program volunteers and staff and I plan on <br /> conducting additional training as more education volunteers become available the first year of program is <br /> complete and all education volunteers already have experience helping with other sea turtle education programs <br /> like turtle digs. <br /> 8. Do you have any questions on how you are allowed to utilize the program? <br /> Not at this time, thought presentations,workshops, and personal communication I have a very detailed idea of <br /> how the program works and I fully support it and cannot wait to use it if chosen. <br /> I <br />