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supplies to mass care locations. <br /> 6. Coordinate deployment of"water buffaloes" to locations identified by <br /> ESF #6 (Mass Care) and the EOC. <br /> 7. Provide daily information to ESF #5 (Information and Planning). <br /> 8. Maintain records of the cost of supplies, resources, and man-hours <br /> needed to respond to the disaster. <br /> 9. Monitor the number of mass feeding sites, soup kitchens, and <br /> pantries providing food to disaster victims. <br /> B. Support Agencies <br /> 1. Florida National Guard - Will provide personnel and manpower in <br /> support of ESF #11 operations. <br /> 2. Indian River County Health Department - Will provide personnel to <br /> monitor public health concerns relating to food and water distribution. <br /> 3. Indian River County Sheriffs Office-Will coordinate law enforcement <br /> issues, including law and order at shelters and feeding sites. <br /> 4. North Treasure Coast Chapter of the American Red Cross - Will <br /> provide personnel and manpower in support of ESF #11 operations. <br /> 5. School District of Indian River County - Will provide personnel and <br /> manpower in support of ESF #11 operations. <br /> VI. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES <br /> ESF#11 will utilize personnel and resources from its primary and support agencies <br /> to respond to mission assignments related to emergencies. Additional resources <br /> available at other ESFs may be coordinated and mobilized to support ESF #11 <br /> missions. When requests begin to exceed the County's ESF's capability to respond, <br /> additional resources (i.e., state teams, federal agencies, contractual agreements, <br /> and mutual aid agreements) will be mobilized. Mutual aid agreements have been <br /> established for all contiguous counties as well as the existence of the Statewide <br /> Mutual Aid Agreement. During a significant event these agreements may be <br /> activated. The decision to activate these agreements will be made by the <br /> Emergency Management Director, or his designee. All personnel and resources <br /> mobilized by ESF#11 will remain under the direction and control of the ESF, unless <br /> otherwise notified. <br /> Indian River County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Annex I - Page ESF#11-6 <br />