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County wide level -of -service standard for Middle Schools of 117.26 building <br />square feet per student station <br />County wide level -of -service standard for High Schools of 147.57 building <br />square feet per student station <br />County wide weighted average level -of -service standard for all schools of <br />139.07 building square feet per student station <br />g. Transit: The county adopts the following transit level -of -service standard: <br />• One-hour headways shall be maintained on all fixed transit routes. <br />Policy 3.9: Indian River County shall coordinate with private utility providers, including electric, <br />gas, telephone, and cable TV, to ensure that utility services are delivered efficiently. <br />Policy 3.10: The county shall provide infrastructure improvements to existing subdivisions with <br />inadequate infrastructure, such as Vero Lake Estates, Paradise Park, Oslo Park, and Pine Tree Park, <br />through the petition paving program and the utility assessment process. <br />OBJECTIVE 4: EFFICIENT MIX OF USES TO REDUCE TRAFFIC DEMAND AND <br />GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS <br />By 2030, Indian River County will have a land use pattern that maintains the number of <br />daily automobile trips per capita and the length of trips on county roadways at or within <br />10% of 2005 levels. Those levels were 4.53 daily automobile trips per capita and 18.94 <br />minutes per trip. <br />Policy 4.1: Land use districts shall be located in a manner which concentrates urban uses, <br />thereby discouraging urban sprawl. <br />Policy 4.2: By January 20118, Indian River County shall identify and map target areas for <br />redevelopment and infill development. <br />Policy 4.3: For the areas targeted for redevelopment and infill development in Future Land Use <br />Element Policy 4.2, Indian River County shall, by 201-29, assess the potential for future <br />development, review infrastructure capabilities and needs, and develop special overlay or use <br />districts and regulations, if warranted. <br />Policy 4.4: By January 2020, Indian River County shall work with property owners, <br />developers, and the public to develop and implement a plan to promote development of the areas <br />targeted for redevelopment and infill development. That plan shall examine the feasibility of <br />reduced development fees, streamlined application processing, mixed uses, density bonuses, <br />Traditional Neighborhood Design, home/work linkages and other innovative techniques to <br />promote development in those areas. <br />Future Land Use Element 155 <br />