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• Residential lots created through the PD process shall not be less than 1 acre with the <br />remainder of the area designated as open space; <br />• The open space shall be in contiguous areas; <br />• Common open space, if provided, shall be under the control of an appropriate entity <br />and maintained in perpetuity, through an open space, recreation, conservation and/or <br />agricultural preservation easement(s), to be created through Deed Restrictions, with <br />infill prohibited; <br />• Agricultural PDs shall implement Best Management Practices submitted to and <br />approved by staff; and <br />• All recreational amenities shall be depicted on the PD plan; no recreational uses that <br />could constitute a nuisance to adjacent properties shall be permitted. <br />OBJECTIVE 6: AGRICULTURAL PROTECTION <br />In recognition of the Indian River County's desire to protect agriculture despite the <br />challenges and changes facing the citrus industry, the county's objective is to retain, <br />through 2017, at least 125,000 acres of land in the unincorporated county that is used for <br />active agricultural operations. <br />According to the United States Department of Agriculture's 2007 Census of Agriculture, <br />there were 157,196 acres of land that were used for active agricultural operations that year. <br />Of this land, approximately 139,000 acres are located within the unincorporated area of the <br />county. <br />This objective, by itself, does not justify or suggest a need for Future Land Use <br />Amendments from Agricultural Designations. <br />Policy 6.1: Indian River County shall not provide public services or facilities which would <br />induce or encourage the development of agriculturally designated lands. As such, the county <br />shall not provide water and sewer service outside the urban service area except in the following <br />instances: <br />• To provide for the health and safety of existing residents in a manner consistent with <br />Sanitary Sewer Sub -Element Policy 2.4 and Potable Water Sub -Element 2.4; <br />• To <br />provide utility services under <br />limited circumstances i-�consistent with Potable Water Sub -Element Policy 5.7 and <br />Sanitary Sewer Sub -Element Policy 5.8 as amended.; <br />Future Land Use Element 160 <br />