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BOOK 87 0 <br />County Administration Building to view microfilm. Mr. Barton <br />explained that there are three backup sets of microfilm of recorded <br />documents; two in the County Administration Building and a third <br />one in underground storage in Pennsylvania. <br />Mr. Barton reported that the fire was actually confined to the <br />room in which microfilm viewers are used by the public, and that <br />the doors were closed when the fire started. However, when the <br />firemen opened the doors, it caused the chimney effect, and smoke <br />and soot went throughout the rest of the building. By 11:30 p.m. <br />the building was aired out but there were some traces still there <br />in the morning. Equipment manufacturers were expected to assess <br />what must be done to clean the microfilm readers and computer <br />terminals that were in that area. Those items were tested by the <br />Clerk's staff and seemed to be functioning. <br />Mr. Barton commended the Commissioners, County Administrator <br />Chandler, and the staffs of Buildings and Grounds, Emergency <br />Services and Risk Management for their quick response and their <br />help. <br />County Administrator Jim Chandler advised that most of the <br />damage was smoke -related. We do have a property insurance policy <br />with a $10,000 deductible, so the $10,000 will come out of our self <br />insurance fund. Mr. Chandler expected a cost estimate later in the <br />morning. <br />Chairman Eggert asked, and Mr. Barton responded that the <br />microfilm viewing machine was the cause of the fire. He also <br />commented that this fire generated a tremendous amount of soot <br />which resulted in a layer of soot on everything. <br />Chairman Eggert suggested that if this incident resulted in <br />changes in procedure in the Recording Department, she requested Mr. <br />Barton inform the Board so that we might consider them for the <br />whole building. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />The Chairman asked if there were any additions or corrections <br />to the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 1992. There were <br />none. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board approved the Minutes <br />of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 1992 as written. <br />E <br />