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Work Order
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CDM Smith Inc.
All Aboard Florida
Work Order No. 13
Noise Monitoring and Quiet Zone Index Calulations
Alternate Name
Camp Dresser & McKee
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■ Geometry of crossing <br />■ Connecting roadways and driveways <br />This data collection effort will also include data needed for an evaluation of alternatives for <br />transportation planning within the study area, such as the location of local streets, current property <br />access points, median and streetscaping treatments, etc. The data collected will be entered into the <br />Quiet Zone index calculator <br />Subtask 2.3 - Quiet Zone Analysis/Application of the FRA Quiet Zone Calculator <br />Subtask 2.3 encompasses the analytical application of data collection and other efforts from Subtasks <br />2.1 and 2.2. The data will be entered into the FRA calculations to produce a determination of level of <br />protection required, and the applicability per crossing within the study area. <br />With the results of the calculations and evaluation of the protection index, Consultant will evaluate the <br />same scenarios evaluated by AAF in the EIS document (up to 5 scenarios) and determine an optimal <br />Quiet Zone area within the County. Scenarios may include SSM recommendations for potential crossing <br />closures, upgrade to Four -Quadrant Gate additions, vehicle presence detection, mountable or non - <br />mountable median dividers, one-way pairs, and other strategies to meet the County's goals In addition, <br />relevant crossing collision reports will be evaluated that are on record with FRA and compared to any <br />data the County may have. <br />This task assumes that only one existing crossing will be closed (14th Avenue). Closure data is required to <br />be entered into the calculator, including evaluation of redistribution of traffic. It is assumed the County <br />has an existing travel demand model which can be modified to determine the effect of closing a road. If <br />a travel demand model is not available Consultant would propose to redistribute the traffic manually. <br />The results will give a determination of traffic on the remaining road network. If additional closures are <br />proposed, additional services may be required. <br />Deliverable: Technical memorandum of data analysis, alternatives analysis, and recommended <br />alternatives. <br />TASK 3.0 - FINAL REPORT <br />Upon approval of recommendations in the technical memorandum (Subtask 2.3), planners will develop a <br />final report of all evaluated Quiet Zone areas within the County, as well as the results of the noise <br />monitoring efforts outlined in Task 1. The report will include FRA Quiet Zone Calculator results and <br />comparison to AAF's recommendations, noise monitoring data collected, noise model results, and <br />determination of the validity of the values presented in the AAF noise study. <br />Final Deliverable: Upon approval from the above listed technical memoranda, the consultant will <br />compile a final report package, reflecting feedback and final conclusions and recommendations for the <br />Quiet Zone study. <br />TASK 4.0 - MEETINGS WITH COUNTY STAFF <br />Consultant will prepare for and participate in two meetings with County staff to discuss the results of <br />the confirmatory noise measurements and the Quiet Zone evaluation. Two members of Consultant's <br />staff will attend each meeting (one in person; one via conference call) <br />Smith A-4 1536 doc <br />
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