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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />CLASS I LANDFILL OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT AND POST CLOSURE CONTRACT <br />STAFFING PLAN <br />m <br />Proponent shall submit the following information on the proposed staffing to manage and operate <br />the landfill in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. <br />1. List of positions and number of personnel assigned to those positions as follows: <br />Position Nor Average Hours/Week/PersQn <br />a. Resident Superintendent 1 40, <br />b. Foremen t 50 <br />c. Equipment Operators 2 50 <br />d. Mechanics t 40 <br />e. Laborer 3 40 <br />4 <br />f. Management Personnel 9 flee nate hdow1 <br />g. <br />z <br />Clerical/Office t (see below) <br />h. Other (List) <br />Note: Management and clerical support will be provided by Harris Sanitation, Inc. Additional <br />management support and direction will be provided by Waste Management, Inc. of <br />Florida. These positions are not resident at the County Landfill site (See Organization <br />Chart), but provide essential managerial and technical support to the landfill. <br />2. Provide an organizational chart showing the chain of authority for all management and <br />operating personnel. The chart shall include the titles and names of personnel assigned to <br />management positions including resident superintendent and foremen. <br />3. Provide personnel experience sheets for all management personnel including resident <br />superintendent, foremen, and any other personnel certified for landfill operation. <br />4. Provide personnel to be assigned to facilities complete with salary/wages, benefits and all <br />other personnel related costs. Highlight existing Indian River County personnel to be <br />utilized. <br />Adui A T177iF7T <br />• <br />B-6 <br />e00e17n0-2e4l <br />