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Alternate Bid Item No. 2 <br />Alternate Bid Item No. 2 is for transfer of Indian River County's Class I Municipal Solid Waste <br />for disposal at Waste Management's Central Disposal Sanitary Landfill, in Broward County, <br />Florida. <br />THE UNDERSIGNED PROPONENT, having familiarized himself with the disposal <br />requirements of the County, provides this disposal alternative for the County's consideration, <br />consisting of the permitting and construction of a 500 tons per day capacity transfer station, to <br />be located on County owned property at the Indian River County Landfill, with loading and <br />transportation of Class I municipal solid waste to Waste Management's Central Disposal <br />Sanitary Landfill, located in Northern Broward County, Florida. WMIF hereby agrees for the <br />Alternate Bid Item No. 2 to perform all Work, including the assumption of all obligations, duties <br />and responsibilities necessary for the completion of a negotiated mutually agreeable Contract <br />and the furnishing of all materials and equipment required to be incorporated in and form a <br />permanent part of the Work; tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, facilities, labor, <br />superintendence, and services required to perform the Work (Transfer Station and disposal); and <br />Bonds, insurance and submittals, reimbursement of unamortized capital and other similar and <br />usual terms and conditions alt as indicated or specified in such Contract to be performed or <br />furnished by Contractor for the following price: <br />Alternate Bid <br />Item No. 2 Forty-four (Dollars and) Ninety-five (Cents) <br />(S 44.95 per ton) for Class I waste received at the Indian River, <br />County Transfer Station, at a minimum of 80,000 tons per year. <br />Indian River County will maintain responsibility for all other operations at the Indian River <br />County Landfill. <br />Alternate Bid Item No. 3 <br />Alternate Bid Item No. 3 is for construction of a modified liner design for Class I Infill segment <br />lateral and vertical expansion, consisting of a single layer of geosynthetic clay liner (Bentofixo or <br />equivalent) to replace the current 2 feet of 104 cm/sec clay, which will provide better hydraulic <br />performance than the current design. In addition, this alternative will provide an increased <br />benefit by making available an additional 2 feet of disposal airspace within the infill footprint. <br />Waste Management proposes this alternative liner design as a "to be negotiated" cost savings to <br />"Total Base Bid Item No. 2". This Alternate Bid Item No. 3 will require a modified Florida <br />Department of Environmental Protection Construction Permit. WMIF estimates the <br />construction cost savings for this modified liner design to be approximately S200 000.00. <br />Further technical details on WMIF's Alternate Bid Item No. 2 (Transfer Station) and Alternate <br />Bid Item No. 3 (Bentofix® clay liner) are contained in our Class I Landfill Infill Segments I & II <br />RFP response. If accepted, the negotiated cost savings would be deducted from the infill <br />construction price provided in Base Bid Item No. 2. All other conditions set forth in Base Bid <br />Item No. 2 will apply. <br />BF -3A <br />