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c. Daily Operations. All solid waste accepted at the landfill sites shall be thoroughly spread <br />and compacted by repeated passage of equipment of sufficient weight and capacity to <br />meet the requirements of the operational plan and permit. The Contractor is required to <br />achieve a minimum density of 1400 lbs./cubic yard for the solid waste fraction. This does <br />not include the borrow used for cover. Monthly estimates of cover used will be supplied <br />to the Owner. The unit weight of soil used as cover will be assumed to be 2700 lbs./cubic <br />yard. The density will be based on an annual survey performed in July of each year. If <br />the Contractor fails to meet the historical density of 1400 lbs./cubic yard, a penalty will <br />be assessed at the end of each fiscal year according to the following schedule. <br />Density Range Mon <br />1350 to 1399 lb/CY 0.50 <br />1300 to 1349 lb/CY 1.00 <br />1250 to 12991b/CY 1.50 <br />1200 to 1249 lb/CY 2.00 <br />The number of tons used in the penalty calculations will be the tonnage placed in the <br />Class I landfill during the preceding July 1 to June 30 period. Volume calculations will <br />be performed by the Engineer, and copies of the previous and present year's survey plus <br />the calculations will be provided to the Contractor by September 1 of each calendar year. <br />The first lift of waste shall be compacted in accordance with the operations to reach a <br />maximum density of 1000 LBS/CY. The first year's density requirements will be adjusted <br />according to the total tonnage of waste placed and the percentage of waste represented <br />by the first lift. Beginning the second full year of operation the density of 1400 LBS/CY <br />will be required. No bonus will be given for densities exceeding 1400 LBS/CY. <br />The Contractor is responsible for obtaining his own borrow material from offsite or onsite <br />sources for maintenance and/or for use as cover material. All soil materials available at <br />the existing landfill site within designated future borrow or future stormwater lake areas <br />may be available for excavation and use by the Contractor for a fee which may be <br />negotiated with the Owner. <br />d. Closure of Class I Landfill. Upon the completion of disposal operations to final contours, <br />the top surface will be contoured and finished in accordance with the permit as it exists at <br />the time of this Contract. Future final closure phases (after the initial closure of Segment <br />II to elevation 55 NGVD) will be built as a new construction project and may be <br />competitively bid at the County's option. <br />GC -20 <br />bp065 \09.3097 <br />