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Pages 6-10 Section D — Program Outcomes and Activities Matrix 3Not to exceed 3-41 <br /> outcomes. One matrix table per outcome. Each matrix not to exceedtwo (2)pages) <br /> Outcome: In general, a program should have 3-4 program outcomes. The Outcome <br /> indicates the measurable impact or change the program will have on the clients its serves. <br /> The outcome should detail the results of the services provided, not the services provided. <br /> Outcomes utilize action words such as maintain, increase, decrease, reduce, improve, raise <br /> and lower. Please incorporate the following into the outcome description: <br /> * Direction of change * Time frame * Area of change <br /> * As measured by * Target population * Degree of change <br /> * Baseline: the number you will be measuring against <br /> Example Outcome: <br /> To decrease (direction of change) number of unexcused absences (area of change) of <br /> enrolled boys and girls (target population) by 75% (degree of change) in one year (time <br /> frame) as reported by the 2015-16 School Board attendance records (as measured by). <br /> Baseline: 2015-16 School Board attendance records for enrolled boys and girls. <br /> Activities Matrix: The matrix is designed to identify specific activities the program will <br /> provide to achieve the stated outcomes. The matrix identifies: 1) the specific activity; 2) how <br /> often the service/activity is provided; 3) who, by position, is responsible to deliver the <br /> service/activity; and 4) expected change in client from providing service/activity. In <br /> addition, the matrix is designed to capture the evaluation of services provided: 5) indicator <br /> or measurement of change; 6) source of measurement;and 7)how frequently it is measured. <br /> A separate PROGRAM OUTCOMES AND ACTIVITIES MATRIX needs to be <br /> completed for each outcome; each matrix should not exceed two (2) pages. Use a <br /> separate row for each activity and group activities under their related outcomes. To add more <br /> rows, if needed, simply locate the cursor at the last cell in the last row and press the "TAB" <br /> button on the keyboard. See examples provided at the end of the instructions. <br /> IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep in mind when developing PROGRAM OUTCOMES that, if <br /> funded, these will be what you are accountable to accomplish. Also, the PROGRAM <br /> OUTCOMES should reflect the information described in the PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT <br /> (B.1.) All PROGRAM NEED STATEMENTS should flow from the MISSION & VISION. <br /> MEASURABLE OUTCOMES should be based on and measure program needs. Activities are <br /> the tasks you do to influence the outcome and impAct the unacceptable condition in your <br /> PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT. <br /> 4 <br /> P44 <br />