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BUDGET NARRATIVE WORKSHEET—PART TWO (2nd worksheet tab) <br /> OTE: DO THIS WORKSHEET AFTER COMPLETING PART ONE. As with Part <br /> One,work entered here will automatically transfer to other worksheets. <br /> Part Two contains the"General Expenditures Section"—Lines 27 through 47. <br /> The format provides for entering information about different expenses within a given line item as <br /> noted below. Note that the details included in this narrative apply to the Program Budget only. <br /> Column 1: A narrative description—a brief explanation of the item(s) and its use. <br /> Column 2: A calculation narrative for each expense within line item. <br /> Column 3: Manually enter the total program expense for each item listed. <br /> Column 4: Manually enter the total funder specific expense for each item listed. <br /> Column 5: Manually enter a total for the Agency for this line item. <br /> NOTE: The line item totals for the program (Column 3), the funder specific <br /> expenses (Column 4) and for the agency (Column 5) will automatically <br /> link to other budget worksheets. <br /> EXAMPLE for Line Item 41 Travel, Conferences& Training: <br /> Column 1: a) state conference auto travel; b)state conference registration c) state <br /> conference hotel & per diem <br /> Column 2: a) Orlando conference @ 250 miles @ 48.5 cents/mile; b)2 @$250; c) <br /> 2 rooms x 2 nights x$150/room <br /> Column 3: a) $122; b)$500; c) $600 <br /> Column 4: Whatever portion of Column 3 you want the specific funder to pay for <br /> Column S: Whatever the total Travel, Conferences& Training is for the AGENCY <br /> TOTAL AGENCY BUDGET (1st worksheet tab) and <br /> TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET (2nd worksheet tab) <br /> Column Descriptions: <br /> The five columns of the Total Agency Budget and the Total Program Budget are to provide <br /> historical, current, and proposed budget information regarding the program. <br /> Column A: This column should show the actual amounts received and expended for <br /> the last full fiscal year that has passed. (These are usually audited <br /> figures.) <br /> Column B: This column should show the budgeted amounts for the current fiscal <br /> near (complete year, no partial periods) Do not leave any cells blank, <br /> rather enter a zero (0) if you have not budgeted certain revenues or <br /> expenses. <br /> 2 <br /> P53 <br />