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Mr. Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E. Geosyntec f' <br /> 5 May 2017 consultants <br /> Page 2 <br /> In consideration of the ongoing natural attenuation processes occurring at the site,the enhancement <br /> of these biological processes via the injection of an electron donor was proposed, and agreed to in <br /> concept by the FDEP in correspondence dated 2 August 2006. In response to FDEP's request and <br /> supported by groundwater monitoring results, Geosyntec prepared a RAP Modification (RAPM) <br /> Addendum No. 3 (RAPM3) in May 2016 to propose a focused injection of EOS® in the vicinity <br /> of GR-MW3OB and implemented the injection activities in April 2017. <br /> PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK <br /> The proposed scope of work consists of semi-annual groundwater monitoring and reporting and <br /> related activities to be performed on behalf of IRC SWDD at the Former South Gifford Road <br /> Landfill. For the purpose of budgeting, the scope of work has been divided into the following <br /> tasks: <br /> • Task 1 —Project Management; <br /> • Task 2—Meetings/Regulatory Interaction; <br /> • Task 3 —Annual Pollution Remediation Liabilities Evaluation; <br /> • Task 4—Semi-Annual Sampling Activities; and <br /> • Task 5 —Data Evaluation and Semi-Annual Reporting. <br /> The remainder of this section presents a general description of the activities to be performed in <br /> each task. <br /> Task 1 — Project Management: Under this task, Geosyntec will perform project planning and <br /> management responsibilities,such as correspondence with IRC SWDD and FDEP, invoice review, <br /> project coordination, and project administration. The budget includes eight hours per <br /> sampling/reporting event for the project manager and two hours for the principal-in-charge. <br /> Task 2 — Meetings/Regulatory Interaction: Under this task, Geosyntec will prepare for and <br /> attend up to two meetings, with IRC SWDD, FDEP, and/or IRC Board of County Commission, as <br /> necessary. It has been assumed that one of these meetings will be in person and one meeting with <br /> be attended by conference call. Also, under this task, four hours has been included for the project <br /> manager to provide ongoing support to IRC SWDD related to interaction and negotiation with <br /> FDEP. <br /> Task 3 —Annual Pollution Remediation Liabilities Evaluation: As requested by IRC SWDD, <br /> under this task, Geosyntec will prepare the annual environmental liability evaluation. This <br /> document is prepared annually in response to Governmental Accounting Standards Board <br /> Statement No. 49 (GASB No. 49), Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pollution Remediation <br /> Obligations,which requires the inclusion and calculation of pollution remediation obligations.The <br /> XR 17051\PRI 7015 <br /> engineers I scientists I innovators <br />