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OSAM DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. <br />Subsidiary of DataBank IMX <br />Introduction/Overview <br />OSAM Document Solutions Inc., a subsidiary of DataBank, and Indian River County are engaging in a project <br />involving the digitization of the Building Plans and Permits for Indian River County. Indian River County <br />currently has 305 rolls of 16mm microfilm and 420 roll of 35mm microfilm. The plan is to digitize these <br />images and index by the plan number or permit number. <br />OSAM Document Solutions, Inc. was acquired by DataBank 3 years ago. OSAM Document Solutions has the <br />GSA Contract that is being used for pricing for this proposal. <br />Objective <br />The objective of this document is to present the project scope, deliverables, assumptions, and services estimate <br />for implementing the solution for Indian River County. It will also serve to solicit approval from Indian River <br />County to move ahead with the described activities upon receipt of a signed copy. <br />Project Narrative <br />This engagement is intended to capture the digital images of the Building Plans and Permits of Indian River <br />County and provide document classification services to properly identify each document type. These records <br />are located in Indian River County, Florida. <br />1. OSAM Document Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of DataBank, will pick up all documents specified by <br />Indian River County for digitization. <br />2. While documents are in possession of OSAM Document Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of DataBank, <br />Indian River County will have access to records through OSAM Document Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary <br />of DataBank's record retrieval process. Procedures for this will be provided to Indian River County <br />during initial project kick-off. <br />3. The volumes of the initial project are estimated at 305 rolls of 16mm microfilm and 420 rolls of 35mm <br />microfilm. Total images are estimated at 1,000,000. Scanning is to be done at 300DPI black and white. <br />4. Indexing will only be done by one method: <br />Plan will be indexed by plan number and permit number & Permit will be indexed by plan <br />number, permit number and address <br />5. Visual verification and basic sampling will be performed to ensure that all images are legible and <br />properly scanned for optimal viewing. <br />6. OSAM Document Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of DataBank, will provide images and indices on DVD <br />media or secure electronic drive or transmit via secured FTP if so desired. <br />7. Indian River County will also be provided with greyscale images of the plan documents. This will allow <br />Indian River County to have an enhance -able image to revert in the case where the original image"may <br />have shading or quality issues. <br />8. Film Rolls will be returned upon completion. <br />Version 12.2015 <br />