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S E P 2 21' ' BON 87 fAu 657 <br />P R O C L A M A T I O N <br />DESIGNATING OCTOBER 4-10, 1992 AS <br />NATIONAL 4-H PROGRAM WEEK AND <br />HONORING FAYE STANFORD AND CAROL GOLLNICK <br />AS 4-H CLUB LEADERS <br />WHEREAS, 4-H is a world-wide organization that began <br />originally to - teach farming principles to youth, and while <br />agricultural projects are still an important part of- 4-H, the <br />program has expanded to reach both farm and urban youth by <br />teaching a. variety of subject matter along with citizenship and <br />leadership'; and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of 4-H is to help youth become positive <br />members of their communities, and over 2,500 youth in Indian <br />River County were involved in 4-H last year; and <br />WHEREAS, 4-H has clubs with adult volunteer leaders who <br />provide informal, hands-on learning experiences for youth, and <br />programs in the schools to help teachers provide enrichment <br />activities to their students; and <br />WHEREAS, for over 20 years, Indian River County has, been <br />known for its strong horse program due, in part, to volunteer <br />leaders such as the two volunteer leaders who have been the <br />backbone of the Indian River County 4-H horse program. FAYE <br />STANFORb has been a leader of the 4-H Bowlegged Bunch for 19 <br />years. CAROL GOLLNICK has been a leader of the Horsemasters 4-H <br />Club for 16 years and was an involved 4-H parent before she <br />became a leader; and <br />WHEREAS, these leaders have worked together to provide a <br />variety of learning experiences and have participated in county, <br />district, state and national 4-H activities and competitions; and <br />WHEREAS, they have always been willing to go beyond the call <br />of duty to help our youth have fun while they are.learning skills <br />they will use their entire lives: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD- OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the week of <br />October 4-10, 1992 be designated as National 4-H Program Week in <br />Indian River County, and that FAYE STANFORD and CAROL GOLLNICK be <br />honored for their outstanding records as 4 -II leaders, and for <br />their unselfish devotion in working with our local youth. The <br />Board further urges all the citizens of Indian River County to <br />support the 4-H clubs in Indian' River County: in all their <br />endeavors. <br />Adopted this 22 day of September, 1992. <br />2 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />1NDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Carolyn _ Eggert, -man <br />