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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />b. The stated purpose for acquiring the Project Site as proposed in the <br />Application and a prioritized list of management objectives. <br />C. The identification of known natural resources including natural <br />communities, listed plant and animal species, soil types, and surface and <br />groundwater characteristics. <br />d. A detailed description of all proposed uses including existing and proposed <br />physical improvements and the impact on natural resources. <br />e. A detailed description of proposed restoration or enhancement activities, if <br />any, including the objective of the effort and the techniques to be used. <br />f. A scaled site plan drawing showing the Project Site boundary, existing and <br />proposed physical improvements and any natural resource restoration or <br />enhancement areas. <br />g. The identification and protection of known cultural or historical resources <br />and a commitment to conduct surveys prior to any ground disturbing <br />activity, if applicable. <br />h. A description of proposed educational displays and programs to be offered, <br />if applicable. <br />i. A description of how the management will be coordinated with other <br />agencies and public lands, if applicable. <br />A schedule for implementing the development and management activities <br />of the Management Plan. <br />k. Cost estimates and funding sources to implement the Management Plan. <br />1. Coordination plan to allow for safe, open access to the public except for <br />designated construction zones, Project Site enhancements, design, <br />remodeling and/or upgrades. Recipient is responsible to maintain sections <br />of the Project Site open and accessible to the public which are safe and not <br />under construction and/or within the construction zone, enhancements, <br />design, remodeling, and/or upgrades in the portions or sections of the <br />Project Site. <br />3. If the Recipient is not the proposed managing entity, the Management Plan shall <br />include a signed agreement between the Recipient and the managing entity stating the managing <br />entity's willingness to manage the site, the manner in which the site will be managed to further the <br />purpose(s) of the Project and the identification of the source of funding for management. <br />DEP Agreement No. S0958, Page 10 of 24 <br />FCT Project No. 11-050-FFI l <br />Pre -Acquired Project Site <br />