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Instructions for completing the Resolution and Consent Affidavit <br /> *IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW* <br /> In order to avoid delays in the completion of this transaction, the Resolution and Consent <br /> Affidavit must be signed by ALL Members, Partners, Directors, Shareholders, Officers or <br /> Trustees of the organization. Section 6 of this form allows for the organization to appoint one <br /> person to sign the remaining documents but ONE HUNDRED PERCENT(100%) of the ownership <br /> or voting interest of the organization must sign this first. Failure to comply with these <br /> instructions or properly indicate the percentage of ownership and/or voting interest will result <br /> in delays and could require the documents to be re-executed. If you have any questions, please <br /> contact your land lease representative. <br /> Site No:370764 <br /> Site Name:Vero Beach Ring, FL <br />