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V compliance requirements will not change from those listed in Title V Permit No. 0610015- <br />005 -AV. <br />■ Tasks 1 and 2 do not include meetings with the Florida Department of Environmental <br />Protection. <br />■ The semi-annual water quality data for the Class I landfill and C&D debris disposal facility will <br />be submitted as a combined single report. <br />■ Valid laboratory analytical results are received in January, April, July, and October. <br />■ Sampling of C&D debris disposal facility wells will be completed under existing WQMP <br />requirements. <br />■ This Work Order does not include Site Assessment activities, if required by FDEP. <br />■ The flare visible emissions test has not been included since the testing is only necessary if <br />required by the FDEP. Note that a visible emissions test will need to be completed in 5 years for <br />the next permit renewal. <br />■ As reported in Title V Permit No. 0610015 -005 -AV, the NMOC emissions are predicted to be less <br />than the current threshold (50 Mg/year). Therefore, the NMOC Emission Rate Report can be <br />completed in 5 years for the next permit renewal. If annual NMOC emissions start exceeding the <br />threshold, the NMOC Emission Rate Report will be required annually. <br />■ As stated in the Title V Permit No. 0610015 -005 -AV, the landfill is not subject to the gas <br />collection and control requirements of 40 CFR 60, Subpart WWW. Therefore, gas system <br />operational compliance monitoring is not required to be reported in the semi-annual <br />monitoring report. The semi-annual monitoring reports will only cover deviations from Title V <br />permit conditions. Landfill and landfill gas operational data is not required to be reviewed and <br />submitted to FDEP per the Title V permit. <br />■ The scope of services in this Work Order is based on regulations and monitoring and reporting <br />requirements as of the authorization date of this Work Order. An amendment to this Work <br />Order may be needed if there are any regulatory changes that result in additional work. <br />■ If FDEP requires contamination beyond the zone of discharge, a separate work order will be <br />required. <br />DATA OR ASSISTANCE TO BE PROVIDED BY COUNTY <br />■ Existing data available on construction of the existing groundwater monitor wells. <br />■ Available site surveys. <br />■ Available record information. <br />■ Laboratory analytical reports and direct access to laboratory personnel. <br />■ COUNTY contract laboratory will provide copies of analytical reports in electronic format <br />(ADaPT) and in PDF format. <br />■ Access and clearance of vegetation to sampling/monitoring sites. <br />■ Maintenance of wells and staff gauge. <br />■ Annual operations data needed for emissions estimating including, but not limited to, tonnages <br />of waste accepted, quantity of landfill gas collected, and hours of emergency engine operation. <br />■ Annual Title V emissions fee. <br />PAYMENT AND COMPENSATION <br />Compensation for the Work Order described herein shall be made on the basis of a lump sum fee. <br />The annual lump sum fee for Tasks 1.0 through 5.0, inclusive, is $150,990 as shown in Exhibits B. <br />CONSULTANT will invoice the COUNTY on a monthly basis based on percent complete of each task. <br />For invoice purposes only, the value of each task is as shown in the Table 1. <br />CDM <br />Smith A-6 j)2146 -WO No.I 3.duac <br />