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rT 1 1 1009 <br />- Future Land Use Policy 1.11 <br />60OX 8 P r <br />Future Land Use Policy 1.11 states that areas -designated Low - <br />Density Residential must be suitable for urban and suburban scale <br />development, must be within the USA, and must be located in <br />Proximity to existing urban centers. The subject property meets <br />these criteria. Therefore, the proposed rezoning is consistent <br />with Future Land Use Policy 1.11. <br />- Future -Land Use Policy 1.12 <br />Future Land Use Policy 1.12 states that single-family residential <br />uses with a.density of up to 6 units/acre are permitted in areas <br />designated as Low -Density Residential on the future land use map. <br />Since the subject property is designated L-2, Low -Density <br />Residential, up to 6 units/acre, the requested RS -6 zoning is <br />consistent with Future Land Use Policy 1.12. <br />While the county's comprehensive plan controls density for all <br />residential areas in the county, the plan does not control housing <br />type. Consequently, either single-familyQ� multiple -family <br />development could be allowed in an area designs ed as L-2 on the <br />county land use plan; housing type is controlled by zoning. In <br />this case, the subject property was zoned RM -60, with the .intent <br />being that multiple -family development would provide a transition <br />from commercial to the east to single-family to the west. <br />In the RM -6 district, however, both single-family and multiple - <br />family uses are allowed. In the area of the subject property, RM -6 <br />zoned property has been developed for single-family uses; Colonial <br />Gardens, Phase 1 is an example of this. Since the trend in this <br />area is for land zoned multiple -family residential to be developed <br />for single-family units, it is reasonable to rezone land in the <br />area to a single-family zoning district such as RS -6, where the <br />setbacks provide for a more flexible single-family development <br />pattern. <br />In addition to Future Land Use Element Policies 1.11 and 1.12, all <br />other policies in the comprehensive plan were considered. Based <br />upon this analysis, staff determined that the proposed rezoning is <br />consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />Potential Impact on Environmental Quality <br />The proposed rezoning would have no detrimental effects on the <br />environment. Upland native plant community set-aside requirements <br />have already been satisfied under a previously approved subdivision <br />plat and land clearing and tree removal permits. <br />Since the subject property has public sewer and water service, <br />environmental concerns normally associated with individual septic <br />systems and private wells are not applicable. <br />Conclusion <br />Single-family homes are already allowed under the current (RM -6) <br />zoning. The proposed zoning change will not affect the actual use <br />or density of the subject property. However, the change will <br />reduce setback requirements for single-family dwelling units. This <br />will facilitate construction of houses on the subject property by <br />Providing. the builders with a larger building envelope and more <br />flexibility in locating structures on building lots. <br />18 <br />M M <br />