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ATTACHMENT 3 <br />GRANT WORK PLAN <br />PROJECT TITLE: Wabasso (Indian River Sector 3) Beach Restoration. <br />PROJECT LOCATION: The Project is located between Department of Environmental Protection <br />(Department/DEP) reference monuments R20 and R51.3 along the Atlantic Ocean in Indian River County, <br />Florida. <br />PROJECT BACKGROUND: The Wabasso (Indian River Sector 3) Beach Restoration project consists of <br />restoration of approximately 6.1 miles of shoreline between DEP Monuments R20 - R51.3 (critically eroded <br />section) in Indian River County (Sector 3). Construction of Phase I was completed in 2010 and Phase II <br />construction was completed in 2012, as authorized under JCP Permit number 0285993-0014C. Due to <br />damages sustained during Hurricane Sandy, emergency repairs were added in 2012 and a full storm repair <br />project was constructed in the winter of 2014 - 2015 under JCP Permit number 0285993 -008 -JC. It was <br />constructed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, however, the Department required <br />additional post -construction hardbottom monitoring during 2016. Although the permit has since expired, <br />Department staff is currently reviewing the 2016 hardbottom monitoring report to assess the need for <br />mitigation of an estimated 1.5 acres of hardbottom. Construction is anticipated for FY 2018-19. <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project consists of design and construction of a mitigation reef. <br />PROJECT ELIGIBILITY: The Department has determined that 100 percent of the non-federal Project <br />cost is eligible for state cost sharing. Therefore, the Department's financial obligation shall not exceed the <br />sum of $900,000 for this Project or up to 50 percent of the non-federal Project cost, if applicable, for the <br />specific eligible Project items listed, whichever is less. Any indicated federal cost sharing percentage is an <br />estimate and shall not affect the cost sharing percentages of the non-federal share. The parties agree that <br />eligibility for cost sharing purposes will be maintained pursuant to 6213-36, F.A.C. <br />The Grantee will be responsible for auditing all travel reimbursement expenses based on the travel limits <br />established in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes (F.S.). <br />Pursuant to Sections 161.091 - 161.161, F.S, the Department provides financial assistance to eligible <br />governmental entities for beach erosion control and inlet management activities under the Florida Beach <br />Management Funding Assistance Program. <br />Pursuant to 62B -36.005(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), the Grantee has resolved to support <br />and serve as local sponsor, has demonstrated a financial commitment, and has demonstrated the ability to <br />perform the tasks associated with the beach erosion control project as described herein. <br />The Project shall be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this Agreement, <br />all applicable Department permits and the eligible Project task items established below. All data collection <br />and processing, and the resulting product deliverables, shall comply with the standards and technical <br />specifications contained in the Department's Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects <br />(2014) and all associated state and federal permits, unless otherwise specified in the approved Scope of <br />Work for an eligible Project item. The monitoring standards may be found at: <br /> <br />DEP Agreement No. 17IR1, Attachment 3, Page I of 3 <br />