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• Define spare parts to improve wellfield reliability <br />• Design improvements (VFD's, FO, auxiliary power if needed) - FUTURE SCOPE <br />HOBART WTP <br />• Evaluate well motors & S/S issues <br />• Review existing FO system, integrate standardization with wells <br />• Ildentify individual well improvements to integrate FO at each well (C&W, CSD) <br />• Conduct well testing and update well performance data - specific capacity, water <br />quality, well pump data (JLA) <br />• Evaluate well pump/flows - pump curves, develop RWM model, specific capacity <br />with intent to install wells on several wells <br />• Prepare table of complete well data <br />• SCADA review programming for wellfield matrix, etc. (CSD) <br />• Prepare report on findings, recommendations, costs, auxiliary power (JLA, CSD, <br />C&W) <br />• Update design water quality to plant <br />• Define spare parts to improve wellfield reliability <br />• Design improvements (VFD's, FO, auxiliary power if needed) — FUTURE SCOPE <br />SCHEDULE <br />In general, the following schedule is anticipated from notice to proceed (NTP): <br />Task 1 WELL PERFORMANCE - <br />FIELD TESTING 2 - 4 weeks <br />Task 2 EVALUATE EXISTING WELLS 4 - 6 weeks <br />Task 3 SCADA SYSTEM 4 weeks <br />Task 4 PREPARE TECHNICAL REPORT 10 -12 weeks <br />FEE SCHEDULE <br />We will provide these services in accordance with our Continuing Services Contract <br />Agreement for Professional Services dated November 15, 2011, with Indian River <br />County. <br />The Consultant will provide professional services for Task 1 through Task 4 on a <br />lump sum fee basis as follows: <br />FAUtilities\UTILITY - Engineering\WATER\Wells\Admin\IRCU Floridan Well Improvements 1.29.18.doex Page 5 of 7 <br />