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Indian River <br />Work Order Number 2018007-1 <br />Sector 7 Beach and Dune Restoration Project Exhibit 1 - Scope of Work <br />Task 4 — Offshore Sand Source Evaluation and Delineation <br />The COUNTY will provide available information (data, surveys, and reports) regarding the <br />COUNTY's offshore borrow area and Sector 7 native beach characteristics. Based on this <br />information, the CONSULTANT will: <br />• extract existing data summarizing the offshore borrow area and native beach including: <br />c core -logs for the offshore borrow area; <br />o granularmetric data for sediment samples including: median grain size (d50), mean <br />grain size, munsell color, percent silt and percent carbonate content, and <br />o cumulative frequency plots for each sediment sample; <br />• delineate a proposed borrow area for the Project, <br />• develop "composite statistics" and "a cumulative frequency curve of the composite" for <br />the proposed borrow area; <br />• analyze compatibility of the proposed borrow area and native beach sediments; and <br />• prepare a written summary of the above as an Appendix for the Task 5 Preliminary <br />Design Document. <br />Task 5 — Preliminary Design <br />The COUNTY will provide the CONSULTANT with digital copies of the previous work products <br />produced in support of the initial nourishment of the Sector 7 Project including the Biological <br />Opinion, Permit Sketches, Design Document, Geotechnical Analysis, Environmental <br />Assessment. CONSULTANT will: <br />• Visit the site to photo -document the existing condition of the beach and dune system <br />and Collect and analyze sand samples (at dune, berm, and lower berm) to evaluate the <br />sediment characteristics of the existing beach at eleven (11) reference -monuments in <br />the Project area from R-97 to R-107. The sediment testing (up to 33 samples) will <br />identify the mean grain size, percent fines, sorting, percent carbonate, and Munsell <br />color (wet/dry). <br />• Evaluate in detail two alternatives for the Project including: (a) no additional action and <br />(b) re -nourishment to restore the Sector 7 fill template previously constructed in 2007. <br />For each of alternative, CONSULTANT will assess: <br />c potential impacts of the Project upon existing environmental resources including <br />but not limited to hardbottom, benthic infauna, state/federally protected species, <br />nesting marine turtles, and shorebirds, and <br />o the alternative's ability to fulfill the COUNTY's objectives and design criteria. <br />For Preliminary Design, CONSULTANT will: <br />• Use the latest beach profile surveys provided by the COUNTY (expected February <br />2018), to assess the sand -fill volume requirements needed to restore the fill template; <br />• Provide an opinion of probable construction costs — employing upland sand sources <br />via truck -haul, and alternately using the COUNTY's offshore borrow area; <br />• Prepare 8'/z "by 11" permit sketches (Preliminary Design Drawings) to be submitted to <br />FDEP and the USACE in formal permit applications under Task 8; <br />• Prepare a Design Documentthat summarizes the results of the preliminary design. <br />CONSULTANT will meet with the COUNTY to review the sketches and Design Document. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />February 9, 2018 <br />