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The manual also contains two appendices: Appendix "A" - Contracting <br />Citations Evidence Requirements, and Appendix "B" - Sample <br />Contracting Citation. <br />Two staff workshops were held in late September involving building <br />division, code enforcement; planning, and attorney staff. At the <br />workshops, the draft manual was reviewed in detail, and <br />hypothetical contractor violations were discussed. <br />Twomain conclusion came out of the workshops. First, it was clear <br />that the primary enforcers of contractor violations would be <br />building inspector staff, in close radio contact with office staff <br />to aid in violation determination. Moreover, the procedure would <br />entail verbal (over the radio) authorization from the building <br />director and/or community development director prior to citation <br />issuance. <br />Second, there was a staff consensus that contractor citation <br />issuance should be limited to "clear cut" cases of violation where <br />evidence is substantial. Problematic "gray" cases, such as may <br />arise with owner/builders, for example, will not be pursued unless <br />staff have a clear determination of violation with appropriate <br />evidence. <br />The county building division issues permits and conducts building <br />inspections for both the County and the City of Vero Beach. <br />Recently, Vero Beach has adopted a contractors citation ordinance <br />similar to that adopted by the Board. As a result, county building <br />inspectors will eventually be in a position to issue citations in <br />both the city and the unincorporated county. Staff are in the <br />process of coordinating with the city to finalize citation <br />procedures as they relate to construction within city limits. In <br />the interim, building staff will implement the citation ordinance <br />only within county jurisdiction. <br />Alternatives <br />The Board's alternatives in this matter include: <br />1. Approve the draft procedures manual as is and authorize staff <br />to begin using citations as a contractor violation <br />enforcement means; <br />2. Approve the draft procedures manual with modifications <br />and authorize staff to begin using citations for contractor <br />violation enforcement; or <br />3. Reject the draft procedures manual and require that it be <br />substantially redrafted and brought back to the Board prior to <br />citation enforcement. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the <br />Unlicensed Contractor Enforcement Procedures Manual and authorize <br />staff to begin using citations as a contractor violation <br />enforcement means. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />1. Draft Unlicensed Contractor Enforcement Procedures Manual <br />(on file in the BCC office). <br />2. BCC minutes excerpt dated April 21, 1992. <br />21 <br />OCT 2 0 1992 <br />bou 871k,,J.806 <br />