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Commissioner Scurlock suggested that a warning be given before <br />the fine is actually assessed, and Mr. DeBlois stated that this <br />would be incorporated. <br />Director Keating added that discretion is given to the field <br />officers in this regard; the authorization requirement is there to <br />avoid charging a $500.00 fine in those gray areas. He added that <br />there is a verbal warning opportunity here. <br />Commissioner Bird wanted to know whether the Code Enforcement <br />Board has the option of reducing the amount of the fine. <br />Director Keating answered that the case can either be <br />dismissed or a fine assessed, but the fine cannot be reduced. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Scurlock, the Board unanimously <br />approved the Unlicensed Contractor Enforcement <br />Procedures Manual and authorized staff to begin <br />using citations as a contractor violation <br />enforcement means, and try to find a way to <br />implement a warning system. <br />A COPY OF SAID MANUAL IS ON FILE <br />IN THE OFFICE OF CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY JUDICIAL COMPLEX CONSTRUCTION BID AWARD <br />Director of General Services Sonny Dean presented the <br />following memo dated October 12, 1992: <br />DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1992_: <br />TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />THRU: JAMES E. CHANDLER <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />FROM: H.T. "SONNY" DEAN, DIRECTO <br />DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY JUDICIAL COMPLEX <br />CONSTRUCTION BID AWARD <br />BACKGROUND: <br />On January 21, 1992, the Board approved the subject project as <br />recommended and authorized staff to proceed with final design for <br />bidding. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />On September 1, 1992 the project was advertised for bid and bids were <br />opened on Tuesday, October 6, 1992. There were twelve contractors <br />that purchased plans but only seven submitted bids. The results were <br />as follows: <br />23 <br />OCT 01992 POOF 7 i►lsz 808 <br />