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ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously awarded <br />the bid for the Indian River County Judicial Complex <br />construction contract to James A. Cummings, Inc. in <br />the total amount of $13,272,600, as set out in the <br />above staff recommendations. <br />CONTRACT IS ON FILE <br />IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE PROJECT <br />Director Dean presented the following memo dated October 13, <br />1992: <br />DATE: OCTOBER 13, 1992 <br />TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />THRU: JAMES E. CHANDLER <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />FROM: H.T. "SONNY" DEAN, DIRECTOR <br />DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE PROJECT <br />CENTER ROONEY CONTRACT - AMENDMENT I <br />BACKGROUND: <br />In accordance with Florida State Statute 553.79 (5) (a), the subject <br />Project will require a "Threshold Inspector". The purpose is for a <br />structural inspection plan to provide specific inspection procedures <br />and schedules so that the building can be adquately inspected for <br />compliance with the permitted documents. This is an independent, <br />licensed person who is registered with the State and Indian River <br />County for such work. <br />The project will also require Materials Testing and Inspection <br />Services. The Material Testing will include all soil borings, soil <br />tests and concrete testing. <br />25 <br />L- OCT 201992 <br />�� j <br />