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REQUEST FOR SECOND EXTENSION OF OAR TERRACE SUBDIVISION LAND <br />DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 058 <br />County Administrator James Chandler presented the following <br />memo dated October 12, 1992: <br />TO: James Chandler DATE: <br />County Administrator <br />THROUGH: James. W. Davis, P.E. <br />Public Works Director <br />and <br />Roger D. Cain, P.E. <br />County. Engineer `�'— <br />FROM: David B. Cox, P.E.(ML <br />Civil Engineer <br />SUBJECT: Request for Second Extension of Oak Terrace Subdivision <br />Land Development Permit No. 058 <br />October 12, 1992 <br />REFERENCE: SD -85-09-58/92030081 *001 <br />DESCRIPTION. of T mTTrom _-_.... <br />The subject request was considered by the Board of County Commissioners at their regular meeting <br />of August 11, 1992. The request was denied with the condition that when revised construction plans <br />have been submitted and approved by staff, the extension request could then be recommended for <br />approval. The attached letter dated August 19, 1992 outlined for the applicant the two items that <br />needed to be provided on the revised plans in order for staff to recommend approval of the <br />extension. <br />Both items have now been submitted and approved by staff. <br />ALTERNATIVE4 Atvn erreT vele <br />The applicant has requested a 120 day extension to complete the paving, drainage and utility <br />improvements and to allow processing of the pending final plat application for Phase I to continue. <br />The applicant has fulfilled the two items deemed necessary for staff to recommend approval of the <br />extension. <br />Staff recommends approval of the extension for 120 days with the condition that if the required <br />improvements are not complete at the expiration of the second extension, we would recommend no <br />further extensions be granted until such time as surety is posted for the portion of the construction <br />remaining incomplete. , <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if this goes beyond our usual <br />extension, and Administrator Chandler answered that it did, but <br />staff is recommending it. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously agreed to <br />grant a 120 day extension for Oak Terrace <br />Subdivision to complete the paving, drainage and <br />utility improvement, <br />recommendation. <br />as set forth in the above staff <br />`xi <br />OCT 2 01992 tou '1 =.+; F 872 <br />