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r OCT 201992 <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />BOOK 87 F.,L­t 87 <br />The staff of the Department of Utility Services recommends that the <br />Board of County Commissioners approve the above -outlined project on an <br />emergency basis, and approve the expenditure of not more than <br />$281000.00 for the project. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if this is a standard agreement, <br />and Utilities Director Terry Pinto stated that it is. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously approved <br />the above project on an emergency basis, with an <br />expenditure of not more than $28,000.00, as <br />recommended by staff. <br />WASTEWATER SERVICE TO RIVER'S EDGE SUBDIVISION <br />Director Pinto presented the following memo dated October 8, <br />1992: <br />DATE: OCTOBER 8, 1992 <br />TO: JAMES E. CHANDLER <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRATO <br />FROM: TERRANCE G. PINTO <br />DIRECTOR OF UTIL SERVICES <br />PREPARED WILLIAM F MCCAIN <br />AND STAFFED CAPITAL JECTS EN NEER <br />BY: DEPAR OF ITY SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: WAST T VICE TO RIVER'S EDGE SUBDIVISION <br />BACKGROUND <br />Since the completion of the North County Wastewater Collection Main <br />System, the Department of Utility Services has been removing existing <br />package treatment systems and tying them into our regional system. To <br />this end, we are now proposing to construct a force main system from <br />our regional lift station at Riverwalk Shopping Center to River's Edge <br />Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) on Roseland Road, in an effort to <br />abandon the River's Edge plant. <br />In addition to the removal of River's Edge WWTP, the construction of <br />this line will allow for the connection of additional customers along <br />the force main's route. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The proposed project consists of approximately 8,000' of 6" force main <br />and loot of jack and bore, along with an upgrade of an existing lift <br />station at River's Edge. The total estimated project costs are as <br />follows: <br />30 <br />