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ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously approved, <br />and authorized the Chairman to execute, the <br />agreement with Mr. James H. Nobil for the subject <br />water main, as recommended by staff. <br />AGREEMENT IS ON FILE <br />IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />WATER AND WASTEWATER LINE INSTALLMENT ACROSS 90TH AVENUE AT STATE <br />ROAD 60 <br />Director Pinto presented the following memo dated October 8, <br />1992: <br />DATE: OCTOBER 8, 1992 <br />TO: JAMES E. CHANDLER <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />FROM: TERRANCE G. PINT <br />DIRECTOR OF UTIL SERVICES <br />PREPARED WILLIAM F. cCAIN <br />AND STAFFED CAPITAL P S EN ER <br />BY: DEPAR FITY SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: WATER AND WKiSTEWATER LINE INSTALLATION ACROSS <br />90TH AVENUE AT STATE ROAD 60 - -. <br />BACKGROUND _ <br />On August 25, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br />Utilities Department proceeding with water and sewer service to. the <br />commercial node at I-95 and State Road 60. Due to the ongoing DOT road <br />project currently underway at this intersection, we cannot begin with <br />the survey for this area until their project is complete. However, we <br />do need to proceed on an emergency basis to lay water and wastewater <br />lines across 90th Avenue prior to the DOT completing the Route 60/90th <br />Avenue intersection improvements. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The Utilities Department is proposing to acquire quotes from a minimum <br />of three contractors to install the required water and sewer lines (see <br />attached design drawings). The Utilities Department will be providing <br />all materials for the project so the bids will be for installation <br />(labor) only. The cost of installation for these utilities will not <br />exceed $14,000.00; the materials cost will also not exceed $14,000.00, <br />for a total project cost of $28,000.00. The funding for this project <br />will be from the impact fee fund. <br />29 <br />OCT 2 01992 tm 87 Fnur' 87 <br />LZ <br />