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(2/1.6 = 1.25) and 2.9625 cubic yards of solid waste/year (1.25 X <br />2.37). To calculate the total cubic yards of solid waste for the <br />most intense use allowed on the subject property under the proposed <br />zoning district, staff utilized the following formula: Total number <br />of WGUs X 3.25 X 2.37 (189 X 1.25 X 2.37 = 560 cubic yards/year). <br />A review of the solid waste capacity for the active segment of the <br />county landfill indicates the availability of.more than 900,000 <br />cubic yards. The active segment of the landfill has a 3 year <br />capacity, and the landfill has expansion capacity beyond 2010. <br />Based on staff analysis, it was determined that the county landfill <br />can accommodate the additional solid waste generated by the site <br />under the proposed zoning. <br />- Drainage <br />All developments are reviewed for compliance with county stormwater <br />regulations which require on-site retention, preservation of <br />floodplain storage and minimum finished floor elevations. In <br />addition, development proposals must meet the discharge <br />requirements of the county Stormwater Management Ordinance. The <br />subject property is located within the M-1 Drainage Basin. Since <br />the site is located within the Indian River Farms Water Control <br />District (IRFWCD), development on the property will be prohibited <br />from discharging any runoff in excess of two inches in a twenty- <br />four hour period, which is the approved IRFWCD discharge rate. . <br />In this case, the minimum floor elevation level of service standard <br />applies, since the property lies within a floodplain. Consistent <br />with Drainage Policy 1.2, "all new buildings shall have the lowest <br />habitable floor elevation no lower than the elevation of the 100 - <br />year flood elevation as shown on the Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map, or as defined in a more detailed <br />study report." Since the subject property lies within Flood Zone <br />AE, which is a special flood hazard area located within the 100 - <br />year floodplain, any development on this property must have a <br />minimum finished floor elevation. of no less than 22 feet above mean <br />sea level. <br />Besides the minimum elevation requirement, on-site retention and <br />discharge standards also apply to this request. With the most <br />intense use of this site, the maximum area of impervious surface <br />under the proposed zoning classification will be approximately <br />1,034,463 square feet, or 23.74 acres. The maximum runoff volume, <br />based on that amount of impervious surface and the 25 year/24 hour <br />design storm, and given the IRFWCD two inch discharge requirement, <br />will be approximately 1,200,000 cubic feet. In order to maintain <br />the county's adopted level of service, the applicant will be <br />required to retain approximately 876,000 cubic feet of runoff on- <br />site. With the soil characteristics of the subject property, it is <br />estimated that the pre -development runoff rate is 36.6 cubic <br />feet/second. <br />Based upon staff's analysis, the drainage level of service <br />standards will be met by limiting off-site discharge to the <br />IRFWCD's maximum discharge rate of two inches in twenty-four hours, <br />requiring retention of the 876,000 cubic feet of runoff for the <br />most intense use of the property, and requiring that all finished <br />floor elevations exceed 22 feet above mean sea level. <br />As with all development, a more detailed review will be conducted <br />during the development approval process. <br />- Recreation <br />A review of county recreation facilities and the projected demand <br />that would result from the most intense development that could <br />occur on the property under the proposed zoning classification <br />indicates that the adopted levels of service would be maintained. <br />The table below illustrates the additional park demand associated <br />35 <br />L_JAN 5 1993 bd®K 88 <br />