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compatible with surrounding areas. The subject property is <br />bordered -by groves on three sides, and by mostly uncleared land.on <br />the north side. The subject property is large enough to buffer <br />itself from the -adjacent agricultural uses (as required in section <br />911.04(3)(c)5b of the County LDRs). Based on the analysis <br />performed,: Staff feels that the requested RS -3 zoning would be <br />compatible with the surrounding area.. <br />Potential Impact on Environmental Quality <br />In light of county drainage, solid waste, and wastewater hookup <br />requirements, the proposed rezoning would have minimal adverse <br />impacts on site environmental quality. <br />Conclusion <br />The requested zoning is compatible with the surrounding area, <br />consistent with the comprehensive plan, meets all concurrency <br />criteria, and will have no negative impacts on environmental <br />quality. The subject property is located in an area deemed suited <br />for low density residential uses and meets all applicable rezoning <br />criteria. For these reasons, staff supports the request to rezone <br />the subject property from A-1 to RS -3. <br />Recommendation <br />Based on the analysis performed, staff recommends that the Board of <br />County Commissioners approve this request to rezone the subject <br />property from A-1 to RS -3. <br />Chairman Bird opened the public hearing, and asked if anyone <br />wished to be heard in this matter. <br />Norman Rensick, owner of the subject property, advised that he <br />would be happy to answer any questions the Board may have. <br />It was determined that no one else wished to be heard and the <br />Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Macht, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Tippin, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Ordinance 93-3, amending the zoning ordinance and <br />the accompanying zoning map from A-1 to RS -3,- for <br />the property generally located on the north side of <br />4th Street between 43rd Avenue and 58th Avenue, as <br />recommended by staff. <br />37 <br />C <br />JAN 5 1993,®oo F'acF 1� <br />