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4) The County agrees to the reversion of ownership of the <br />uneconomic remainder of Parcel #111 (approximately .32 <br />acres). The property owners will provide an easement <br />back to .the County to construct a swale and drainage <br />culvert. After construction of the swale and drainage <br />culvert, the County agrees to fill the uneconomic <br />remainder of Parcel #111 (subject to the County's <br />ability to obtain the permits to do the work and <br />provide the fill); <br />5) The Public Works Department of Indian River County will <br />not oppose any zoning or permit applications filed by <br />the property owners; <br />6) The County will permit -a median cut, designed and <br />constructed at the property owner's expense, at some <br />point between Barber Avenue and South Gifford Road. <br />Approximately 81% of the cost of the -settlement for Parcel <br />#110 ($122,000 for land $122,000 for fees) will be borne by <br />the Florida Department of Transportation. The total <br />additional direct cost to the County for both parcels is <br />$64,000. <br />Staff recommends approval of the settlement set forth above <br />and requests authorization for the Chairman's signature. <br />Funding to be from Indian River Boulevard Phase III Fund <br />309. <br />Public Works Director Jim Davis advised that parcel #110 was <br />acquired primarily for mitigation of the Boulevard project and some <br />lands around impoundment #22 were acquired so that we could manage <br />the actual impoundment itself. In addition, in implementing Phase <br />IV of the Indian River Boulevard project, which just went out to <br />bid last Friday, we acquired a 2-1/2 acre parcel just north of <br />Barber Avenue. <br />Commissioner Adams referred to Item #4 and asked why the <br />County would fill the .32 -acre parcel when we are going to use it <br />for drainage, and Director Davis explained that originally the <br />intent was to provide a swale and to connect the Boulevard drainage <br />to a ditch on the north side of Barber Avenue. However, we can <br />accomplish that with some culverts and not grade that much of the <br />triangular parcel. Basically, the parcel is filled to the <br />elevation of Barber Avenue now and it is not going to take a lot of <br />fill, but it was a request by the property owner in the settlement <br />35 <br />FEB 2 1993BOOK 8� FacE 714 <br />