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FEB 21993 <br />BOOK 88 PAGE 715 <br />that it be filled and that ownership revert back to the property <br />owner and the property owner would grant back to us a drainage <br />easement. The settlement does not include a commitment for us to <br />mow it, but we probably would if our drainage needs require it. <br />Commissioner Adams asked how these takings are funded, and <br />Administrator Chandler explained that monies come primarily from a <br />combination of impact fees and secondary road funds. i%e noted that <br />we have had these budgeted for a good number of years in <br />anticipation of this project, including the excess. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Macht, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously approved <br />settlement of Parcels #110 and #111 as set forth -in <br />the above staff recommendation. Funding to be from <br />Indian River Boulevard Phase III Fund 309. <br />DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR PAVING OF 66TH AVENUE BETWEEN OSLO ROAD <br />AND STH STREET SW <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 1/27/93: <br />TO: James E. Chandler, <br />County Administrator <br />FROM: James W. Davis, P.E., <br />Public Works Direct; <br />SUBJECT: Developer's Agreement for Paving of 66th Avenue <br />between Oslo Road and 5th Street SW <br />DATE: January 27, 1993 FILE: 66ay.agn <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />During the October 6, 1992 meeting of the Board of County <br />Commissioners, the Board approved a draft developers agreement <br />between Golden River Fruit Company and Indian River County which <br />provides for a cost sharing formula to fund paving of 66th Avenue <br />between Oslo Road and 5th Street SW. <br />Since that time, bids have been received for the project. The <br />developers cost of $114,600.05 and County's cost of $86,419.29 <br />have now been defined and a cost -allocation has been added to the <br />draft agreement. Bids were competitively obtained by Carter and <br />Associates, Inc. with four bidders participating (see attached <br />bid tabulation). <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />The bids as submitted are reasonable and staff has no objection <br />to the costs. The alternatives presented are as follows: <br />36 <br />