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ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously approved <br />the withdrawal of $1,250 from the Law Enforcement <br />Trust Fund, as requested by Sheriff Gary Wheeler. <br />REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF THE PORT OF FT. PIERCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 1/25/93: <br />Date: January 25, 1993 <br />To: Dick Bird, Chairman,. Indian River County Commission <br />CC: Interested parties. <br />From: Charles Davis <br />Subject: Port of Fort Pierce <br />Attached is a copy of the latest TCRPC comment on the Port of Ft. <br />Pierce improvement project. <br />I believe that this is one of the most valuable projects now <br />before the community relating to the improvement of the area's <br />economy. Strong across the board support from benefitted parties <br />from outside St. Lucie County would be helpful to the project. <br />With some good thinking and with all interests working together, <br />there is no reason that we cannot create conditions whereby we <br />can proceed with these most important port improvements while <br />minimizing environmental damage. As current Chairman of the <br />TCRPC I will do what.I can to try to move this project forward in <br />a way acceptable to all interests. <br />I want to emphasize that this appears to be a critical time in <br />the port development process, and urge you to take whatever <br />actions you can take to help move the project forward now. <br />Commissioner Macht felt very strongly that the Commission <br />should voice their support of this project. <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that the most effective way to <br />support this would be in the form of a resolution. If the Board <br />wishes, staff could prepare a resolution and bring it back for <br />adoption at next week's meeting. <br />Commissioner Adams wondered if it also should be directed to <br />any permitting agencies in St. Lucie County. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Macht, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, the Board unanimously directed <br />staff to prepare a resolution supporting the Port of <br />Fort Pierce improvement project and bring it back <br />for adoption at the next meeting. <br />STATUS REPORT ON PROGRESS OF AMTRAK SERVICE ALONG EAST COAST <br />Chairman Bird explained that he added this to the Agenda today <br />after receiving several inquiries on when Vero Beach could expect <br />AmTrak service to begin. <br />45 <br />FEB 2 1993 $o®K 8 8 NGE'44 <br />L— / <br />