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BOOK 88 Pia 725 <br />Community Development Director Robert Keating advised that by <br />default this falls in his court. A Florida Department of <br />Transportation (FDOT) representative told him last week that the <br />only impediment is that the Florida East Coast Railway doesn't want <br />it because they don't want to do anything to adversely affect their <br />freight business. The FDOT had a meeting with the FEC, and even <br />though the FEC vetoed the proposal, the FDOT was able to keep the <br />door open. According to the FDOT, nothing is on the table at the <br />current time, but it may be resurrected at sometime in the future. <br />Director Keating reported that a group of communities are <br />lobbying AmTrak and he plans on getting in touch with an individual <br />in Brevard County who is spearheading this effort. This matter <br />will go through the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if it would help to write the FEC <br />saying that we appreciate their freight service, that we don't feel <br />the tracks are over utilized, that we hope in the future they will <br />consider allowing AmTrak to use it, and that when they do, we would <br />very much like to have a station at Vero Beach. <br />Commissioner Macht felt it would be appropriate to do that <br />through the MPO, and Commissioner Adams felt we need to be stronger <br />in the language. <br />Chairman Bird understood then that this will evolve out of the <br />MPO and that it probably would be in order to make some contact <br />with the DOT, FEC and AmTrack. <br />FELLSMERE HEALTH CARE EXTENSION OF HOURS <br />The Board reviewed the following letter dated 2/2/93: <br />CITY OF FELLSMERE TEL:1-40-(-571-161b Fats 02,96 10:25 No.001 P.01 <br />16 <br />FAXED TRANBRITTAL <br />407-770-5095 <br />February 2, 1993 <br />City of FeES-m-lere <br />Indian River County <br />County Commissioners <br />Indian River County <br />1840 - 25th Street <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />46 <br />ITEM 13-C <br />Y.U. H= 38 <br />Fellsmere. F132948-0038 <br />Fax (407)671-1801 <br />