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7 BOOK 88 Fr,,E 72 <br />Commissioner Eggert asked about the status of SR-AlA, and <br />Director Davis explained that two parcels must be acquired before <br />SR-A1A can be widened. <br />R. J. Pina, 6535 3rd Place, did not think 4 feet on the side <br />of the bank for pedestrians is adequate. He could not understand <br />why the County is spending $1 million in road improvements when <br />there are no sidewalks in many areas. He felt that sidewalks could <br />be made of asphalt instead of concrete to save money. <br />Commissioner Adams explained that there is a master plan to <br />construct bike paths and sidewalks all over the county, but <br />acquiring right-of-way continues to be a major hindrance. She <br />suggested he visit the Planning Department to get additional <br />information. <br />Commissioner Tippin pointed out that there were almost no <br />sidewalks in the county 10 years ago. <br />Mr. Pina distributed newspaper clippings to the Board <br />demonstrating how many people have been killed on their bicycles. <br />He emphasized that there are sidewalks in areas where nobody uses <br />them, such as South County Park, but there are no sidewalks where <br />they are needed. <br />Director Davis explained that one-half mile of sidewalk has <br />been completed recently along 4th Street. The County recently <br />acquired additional right-of-way, and within the next month there <br />will be a continuous sidewalk on 4th Street from 37th Avenue to <br />20th Avenue. Director Davis emphasized that every road project in <br />the county includes sidewalks or bike paths. <br />Jean Euler, representing Euler's Schwinn Cycling and Fitness <br />Center, emphasized that the only time anything gets done is when <br />somebody gets killed. She felt that sidewalks could be constructed <br />with County funds and matching grant money. <br />Commissioner Tippin commented that the Recreation Committee is <br />already trying to find ways to speed up this project. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously (4-0, <br />Commissioner Bird being absent) approved the 1992-93 <br />road resurfacing program, using available funds in <br />the amount of $1,481,704.00, as recommended by <br />staff. <br />44 <br />