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RESOLUTION SUPPORTING WEIGHTED VOTING FOR THE TREASURE COAST <br />REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL <br />- Commissioner Eggert announced that an amendment has been added <br />to the Environmental Land Management Study (ELMS III) bill <br />providing for weighted votes as follows: Indian River County - <br />1.436 votes per representative; St. Lucie County - 1.438; Martin <br />County - 1.15; and Palm Beach County - .575. This gives each <br />county an equal amount of voting power. The amount of dues is <br />based upon population and will not change. Commissioner Eggert <br />explained that Palm Beach County insisted on staying in the <br />Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC), and this <br />amendment is a compromise. Ironically, Palm Beach County <br />previously left the South Florida Regional Planning Council because <br />of voting inequities. If the resolution is adopted, it will be <br />sent to Ron Sanders, the head of the Department of Community <br />Affairs committee, and copies will be sent to State Representative <br />Ren Pruitt and our legislative delegation. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Macht to adopt Resolution 93-44, <br />supporting weighted voting for the Treasure Coast <br />Regional Planning Council. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Adams suggested that the Board <br />include a statement in the resolution to the effect that Palm Beach <br />County should be removed from the TCRPC. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt that the proposed amendment is <br />sufficient because the regulatory power of the TCRPC is already <br />being removed and the voting power is now equal among the four <br />counties. She stressed that the Board has made its point and will <br />probably be treated differently in the future. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION.' <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously (4-0, <br />Commissioner Bird being absent). <br />49 <br />600K 88 fr?GC 977 <br />