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Tuesday, March 9, 1993 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, met in Regular Session at the County Commission Chambers, <br />1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, March 9, 1993, <br />at 9:00 o'clock A.M. Present were Richard N. Bird, Chairman; John <br />W. Tippin, Vice Chairman; Fran B. Adams; Carolyn K. Eggert; and <br />Kenneth R. Macht. Also present were James E. Chandler, County <br />Administrator; Charles P. Vitunac, County Attorney; and Barbara <br />Bonnah, Deputy Clerk. <br />Vice Chairman Tippin called the meeting to order and announced <br />that Chairman Bird would be arriving late this morning because he <br />is making a presentation at Citrus Elementary School. <br />Vice Chairman Tippin led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. <br />ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS <br />Commissioner Eggert requested, on an emergency basis, the <br />addition to today's SWDD agenda of a request by Mr. Vernon Reason <br />to speak in regard to his receiving a notice to cease and desist <br />his garbage pickup service in the Wabasso/Gifford area in 15 days. <br />She requested that the SWDD meeting be held right after today's <br />Consent Agenda items. <br />Commissioner Eggert also requested the addition under her <br />matters of a discussion regarding a county -initiated rezoning in <br />Geoffrey Subdivision. <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that Public Hearings 9-B-3 and 9-B-4 <br />were advertised for March 23, 1993 and must be postponed until that <br />date. <br />With regard to 9-B-1, Pinewood Estates, Attorney Vitunac <br />pointed out that we actually had the public hearing last week. As <br />it turns out, the newspaper notice said the hearing was this week, <br />but the letter sent to individual property owners said the public <br />hearing would be held last week. So they all knew it and came and <br />had their hearing, but it was advertised for today. He advised <br />that we will go through the public hearing today, but we should not <br />expect anyone to be here. The only other choice would be to start <br />again, but the people want the water and to delay it wouldn't help. <br />boor <br />MAR 1993 <br />