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COSTS <br />Table ES.30 <br />Projected Capital Expenditures <br />2010 <br />BOOK 89 Pb,,E <br />� 10 <br />Project Description <br />Estimated Capital Cost* <br />WATER PROJECTS <br />Transmission line project #25 <br />Transmission line project #28 <br />Transmission line project #29 <br />$3,699,000 <br />837,000 <br />915,000 <br />TOTAL CAPITAL COST - WATER PROJECTS <br />$5,451,000 <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COST <br />$5,451,000 <br />TOTAL CAPITAL COST - WATER PROJECTS 1993-2010 <br />$66,002,000 <br />TOTAL CAPITAL COST - WASTEWATER PROJECTS 1993-2010 <br />$86,650,000 <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COST 1993-2010 <br />$152,652,000 <br />* all costs in 1993 dollars <br />Concluding the formal presentation, Mr. Fuller asked if there <br />were any questions. <br />Chairman Bird felt the major question would be to ask how the <br />consultants make their projections accurate enough to have the cash <br />flow that we are going to need from impact fees to pay for all the <br />improvements; and to further ask how confident they feel in the <br />formula they are using and how much new growth will it take to <br />support that formula. <br />Director Pinto explained that the impact fee is figured on <br />present dollars. When a system is built, the trigger mechanism is <br />demand which means an impact fee. If the system is not built prior <br />to the demand, we don't get ahead of the impact fee structure. <br />What we really are saying is that we are not going to build unless <br />there is a demand and if there is a demand, someone is going to <br />have to pay the impact fee. If we choose to build in larger <br />increments prior to the actual demand, but based on projections, we <br />would be okay as long as the projections were totally accurate. If <br />they become inaccurate, our existing customer base can become <br />burdened with expansion that is unused. In a public system, you <br />cannot go to the profits of the company to pay for expansion; <br />therefore, only the existing customers would pay. Taking Grand <br />10 -- <br />